Part-Time Lovers - Heeseung x Reader x Jay

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I stare at the illuminated sign 'Orange Flower' above the entrance to the famous local ice cream parlor in town. The feeling of dread washes over me knowing that I'll be working my shift today with Lee Heeseung, as I do most days. The letter 'r' on the end of the sign threatens to go dark as it flickers in the sky that the sun slowly descends in, dusk beginning to appear. I glance down at my watch to see I only have a few minutes before the shift starts so with a small sigh, I enter the parlor with a little jingle of a bell from the door immediately seeing the current people on shift and give them a small wave. They give a small nod of acknowledgement before helping the next customers while I head to the back to change into my uniform.

I couldn't help myself when peaking my head inside the employees room and my shoulders sag in relief seeing that Heeseung isn't here yet. It's not that he didn't do his job well or that I didn't like him, he actually was always so helpful during our shifts and would be the first to stand up to any unbearable customers, it's almost annoying at how well he does his job. He's only irritating to deal with because for some reason he makes it his mission to flirt with me every chance he gets during our shifts together. I swear every time I did something, he would say a little pick up line or innuendo that caused a hot blush to appear on my face from how unexpected they were.

I truly thought I had gotten used to it but he still manages to catch me off guard every time and sometimes even flusters me in front of the customers. Those were the moments I loathed but I try to push it to the back of my mind knowing I need to keep this part-time job if I wanted to keep paying rent monthly even if Heeseung sometimes got under my skin.

Shaking the thoughts away, I grab my uniform which is luckily only a change of shirt and we were only required to wear black pants on the bottom otherwise. I also grab the small lip gloss and hair tie resting in the pocket of my jacket before heading into the employees bathroom. I slip the shirt on in no time and throw my hair into a quick braid knowing it would only get in the way otherwise. Yet I hesitate when I'm about to put on the lip gloss on my lips knowing a certain someone would make a comment on it, whether it was asked for or not. But I just roll my eyes and apply it to my lips not caring at this point. Screw it. I'll ignore him like always. Why should I even care?

Yet when about to exit the bathroom, I could feel the hesitancy in my hand. The way my heart threatens to skip a beat from just imagining him in the staff room waiting for me to appear as he nonchalantly leans against a wall. I always hated this side of myself, the side that believed in the false hope of someone flirting with me. Why did he make it so easy to like him? But as my watch ticked by another minute, I knew I couldn't hide in here for any longer since our shift was starting now.

As I exit the bathroom, a weird part of me feels almost disappointed to not see him there yet another part of me is relieved. It's truly a strange feeling to try and describe. He probably is manning the front already. I brush off the feeling, finding it stupid that I expect him to just be there waiting for me. But when I round the corner to head to the front of the ice cream parlor I'm intercepted by a hand pulling me into a tight embrace.

"My favorite co-worker," a familiar voice says with an obvious smirk yet the undeniable heat rises to my cheeks all the same, "I thought you weren't here for a minute."

"As if I could afford that," I retorted and pulled away from him. The overwhelming heat from his touch was so sudden and the strong hammering of my heart against my chest that seemed to always awaken in his presence, "let's just start our shift."

"Always right to work, hmm?" He chuckles giving a soft ruffle to my hair making me grumble because I had just done it. Yet the grin on his face seeing my slightly irritated self left a small blush on my cheeks.

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