Tutor - Heeseung x Reader

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"I'll just study for a bit longer," I mumble to myself after reviewing the same math problem for the fifth time. But the numbers seem to jumble together, becoming a numerical mess. Why can't I focus? I sigh heavily and move my glasses up towards my eyes again thinking it will help fix the problem but everything is still a blurry mess. What's wrong with me? I take off my glasses and rub my eyes hoping to be able to focus back onto the math problems in front of me. Just five more minutes.

Although those five minutes turned into thirty before I looked over at the clock and my eyes widened seeing the time, 2:30 am. I think I should stop there for tonight. I yawn finally feeling my eyelids begin to droop knowing the exhaustion I've been fighting off is catching up to me all at once.

Time for bed.


"You look like a zombie," Taehyun says bluntly, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Thanks for the heads up," I reply dryly, still feeling exhausted from the lack of sleep. Only 4 hours of sleep. I sigh quietly to myself as Taehyun pats my shoulder trying to comfort me in his own way.

"Just take a nap when you get home, hmm? You work too hard," he reasons but I shake my head in response knowing that I can't.

"My tutor comes today so I can't sleep until after he leaves," I retorted, Taehyun groaning in response.

"Why can't you just skip it?" He asks but I look over at him with a glare, knowing he knows exactly why I can't skip it. Taehyun sighs dramatically ruffling my hair at my glare towards him, not being affected at all.

"What you really need is some time management classes or better get some rest," Taehyun teases slightly as I jokingly punch his shoulder.

"Let's just go to class," I say, to deflect any more of his teasing and push him towards the classroom door.


I yawn feeling the fatigue and everything catching up to me as I enter my house. Just gotta make it through the tutoring session and then I can sleep. It shouldn't be that hard. I quickly head into the study room where I know Heeseung is already waiting for me. I do my best to hide my tired state but nothing seems to get past him.

"Long day?" He asks, finishing to set up the problems to look over that I had issues with last week.

"Yeah," I reply shortly, feeling any sort of energy I have dwindled by the second at the mention of my state. Just stay awake for two more hours.

"Well, let's get started straight away, hmm?" He asks, patting the seat next to him as I nod in response. He's so sweet. My eyes drift over to his soft smile before he  begins to go over the problems as soon as I sit down. The smile was replaced with a focused pout that I began to notice more and more with every tutoring session.

Let's get to work.


Heeseung's POV

"Did you get that, Y/n?" I ask but I'm only met with silence. I glance over to see her head down on the desk resting within her arms. I can't help the quiet giggle that escapes me at the adorable sight of her sleeping. My fingers naturally reach to tuck the loose strand of hair behind her ear. You must have been really tired.

My heart clenches at the thought of her pushing herself too much. I lean against the desk to see the side of her face inside her arms and the dark circles under her eyes. She needs to be easier on herself. She works too hard to push herself this much. I sigh quietly and grab my jacket nearby, placing it on her shoulders.

"Rest well," I say, placing a gentle kiss on her head.

I'll finish up my work here by leaving notes on how to fix the mistakes, not that there were that many to begin with. I work diligently trying not to make too much noise in order to let her rest. I made sure to write everything in great detail so she felt more confident in the material after working so hard already.


Your POV

I groan waking up, my vision blurry as I hear a soft chuckle next to me. My eyes widened, coming back to my senses once I realized where I fell asleep. I fell asleep?!? I look over at Heeseung who's casually resting his head against his hand.

"Heeseung, I'm so sorry-"

"Hey, don't stress about it," he says cupping my face in his hands with a sweet grin, "you were exhausted and needed the rest."

I feel my face heat up from the sudden contact of his hands on my face, "are you sure...?"

He nods his head cutely making the familiar feeling of butterflies flying around in my stomach appear again. He makes it so easy to fall for him.

"I have to go now, but if you have any questions about the notes I left on your work please let me know, okay?" He asks as he begins to pick up his things. I nod in response before finally sitting up only to have a jacket fall off my shoulders. Why was there a jacket...wait.

"Heeseung your jacket-"

"Give it back to me next time," he says with that same adorable grin and takes his leave, making me speechless. Why would he just leave his jacket with me? I don't even see him until next week because of the tutoring session.

I sigh quietly to myself feeling confused and decide to look at the notes he left. I should at least look at the notes he left on my work since I didn't do much this session. I glance through everything, understanding every mistake with ease. I smile to myself feeling grateful to have him as my tutor before my eyes widen at the last note written.

Last but not least,

Will you go out with me?

- Heeseung

I blink multiple times in a row to make sure I'm not losing my mind. I'm not seeing things right? Oh my god. My cheeks burn from blushing so much just from the single message. My heart races as I can't help but dial his number, wanting to hear it from him.

It only takes two rings before he answers with his cute chuckle that I love so much.

"Did you see my note?" He asks innocently as if he didn't make my heart feel like it's beating insanely fast.

"Are you serious?" I reply nervously.

"I've never been more serious in my life," he says so sweetly that I just know my face is a bright red.

"Then my answer is yes," is all I can say not knowing what else to say but answer the question.

"I'll see you on our date then."

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