Eye Catching Stranger - Niki x Reader

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My friend and I peacefully walk the sidewalk as a chilly breeze passes through the air. The autumn leaves falling onto the ground showing the clear signs that winter is approaching much faster than I'd like it to. Where did fall go? Why does it always feel so fast? The little fall decorations that once lined the street are all Christmas themed, which is fine but why couldn't the pumpkins stay as well? Why is it always one or the other?

"What's running through that head of yours?" My friend, Violet giggles, poking my arm with her gloves.

I roll my eyes with a smile, "nothing important, I promise."

"Oh come on-"

But her voice drowns out when spotting someone crossing the street with a striking beauty I've never seen. His trench coat and heeled boots stood out the most, with his hair hanging out of his beanie from being too long for it. A scarf hangs down to his waist and the entire outfit screams fall, which is what originally drew my attention. But the snap of my friend's fingers in front of my face is what brings me back to reality.

"I'm sorry! What did you say?" I reply with a sheepish smile as she just shakes her head and grabs my hand without a word.

"Obviously," she whispers, gesturing to the guy who was just across the street that now is only a few feet from us, "your attention was elsewhere."

My eyes widen and I quickly turn away from his direction, making sure to focus on my friend, "was I really that obvious?"

"To the friend you stopped listening to in order to stare at him?" She questions with a dramatic sigh, "yes, very."

"Oh god," I groaned out with an obvious blush on my face that wasn't from the wind chill.

"It's okay, I don't think he noticed-" but she stopped mid-sentence when a certain guy was looking in our direction although only she could see that.


"Hey, I think you dropped this," a deep voice from behind me says, making me almost stumble into Violet in surprise.

I slowly turned around to find the exact guy I had maybe not been so discreetly staring at but I refuse to believe he saw me. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. He looks down at me because he's tall but in his heeled boots he towers over me.

"Me?" I questioned stupidly but also confused since I wasn't aware that I had dropped anything.

He just nods and hands me the paper I apparently dropped before immediately turning around to head off to wherever he was headed. Before I can even register anything my friend already snatched the paper out of my hand.

"Hey!" I exclaimed but the giant grin she had on her face made me suspicious, "what?"

"It seems you were VERY obvious when staring at him," she giggles and hands me the paper. I look at her with confusion clearly written all over my face until my eyes finally scan the paper that I dropped and find a number written on it I've never seen.

I stare at the paper blankly for a full minute until the realization hits.

"Oh my god!" I scream in surprise, realizing that he just gave me his number, the cute stranger gave me HIS number, "Violet I think I might faint."

"Funny joke but don't think I'm gonna catch you," she says snickering, making me roll my eyes.

"Such a considerate friend," I reply with full sarcasm.

"You're welcome," she says, batting her eyelashes at me and starts grabbing my phone out of my purse.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Texting his number from your phone obviously-"

"Violet!" I shout causing a bunch of eyes to turn to us and I apologize before turning to her who's still smiling her mischievous smile.

"At least let ME be the one who texts him," I say snatching my phone back from out of her hands but the smile still being there on her face that this seemed to be her original plan to trick me into texting him. What am I going to do with you?

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