Forgotten Love - Sunoo x Reader

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They always say your first love is memorable. I carefully trace the envelope in my hands that randomly appeared at my doorstep without any warning. I hadn't known what to do with it, I've just been staring at it for the past ten minutes. I flip it over and read the name I'd long forgotten in beautiful cursive writing.

Kim Sunoo.

I hadn't seen or heard his name in so long. I wonder what he's doing now? I finally began to gently open the envelope containing some sort of paper, whatever it contained, I had no idea. How in the world did he get my address and what for? My curiosity of what he has to say after years of not staying in contact is what keeps me from just tossing the mail aside to look at another day.

After managing to get the envelope open I see a letter peek out from inside the envelope. I suck in a breath feeling nerves spark within me at the sight. He wrote me a letter? I gently pull the letter out and slowly open it to see more of Sunoo's neat writing with cute little sketches along the sides of the letter. I found myself smiling looking at the different sketches before snapping myself out of it. He's still as cute as ever, huh. My eyes move to the top of the letter beginning to carefully read over the words he's sent my way.

Dear Y/n,

I know this letter will come as a surprise to you but I can't help it. I also know you'll be wondering how I got your address and I'll have you know it's from one of your co-workers. They were skeptical but only gave it to me once I told her the reason I asked for it. I don't think you even realized it but I work at the company next door to yours.

The only reason I know this is because I caught sight of you walking in one day and confirmed it was you the next day. At first I decided not to do anything because what happened in the past is in the past, but as time has gone on I found my mind lingering to you over and over again.

You're still as stunning as ever. I don't know how but you became ever more beautiful compared to the last time I saw you. You've really captured my heart once again.

The day we broke it off, I can't tell you how heartbroken I was. I know the long distance for four years during our college years would've been too much but I wish we could've stayed together even then. Even if it was difficult, I wish we could've held onto each other longer. I never even got the chance to confess to you then that I loved you before we broke it off.

Every single day I regret that decision which is why I'm writing this letter.

Y/n L/n, I love you dearly and will forever.

I hope you're well and will consider giving our love a second chance and reignite the flame we had for each other. You'll find me at Park Enterprises.


A man who still loves you,

Kim Sunoo.

Only when the wet blotches appeared on the letter in front of me did I realize I was crying. Screw you Kim Sunoo. My heart beats in a way it hasn't in a long time imaging the Sunoo I once loved as well. I let out a small chuckle not believing that our paths crossed again and he told me it in such a cheesy way.

"You could've at least left your number, dummy," I quietly whisper to myself with a smile knowing where I'll be going tomorrow. Guess it's time to give Park Enterprises a visit.

Author's POV

To say Sunoo was anxious lately would be an understatement. Ever since he sent that letter to you, he's been so distracted trying to watch out the window near his desk to see if he can catch a glimpse of you. A chance to see if you'd walk through his company's doors. But the supervisor on his floor wasn't having it, making Sunoo let out a small sigh and focus back on his work.

He worked tirelessly in hopes to gain some sort of break from completing his work early yet all he got in return was more work. All he could wait for was his lunch break which luckily for him was an hour. The constantly clicking of keyboards echoes throughout the office floor before the supervisor says the words everyone was waiting for.

"Lunch Break!" The supervisor announced and almost everyone left just as soon as it's said.

A small smile makes its way onto Sunoo's lips at the thought of a nice break and food. He lets out a sigh of content and gets up with a pep in his step, beginning to think over where he will go for his lunch break. The ding of the elevator alerts him back to his surroundings again, away from his thoughts, as he enters into it. The idea of heading to a cafe satisfying him, his finger tapping against the side of the elevator waiting to get to the lobby. And when the ding of the elevator resonates again he exits the blasted thing feeling his hunger amplify as time ticks away.

But a voice calling out his name stops all his thoughts.

"Kim Sunoo?" A sweet voice he only dreamed of hearing again calls out to him.

Your POV

I tap my foot nervously glancing over towards the stairs and elevator, trying to catch the face of the man who's been on my mind all night. Where is he? It's their lunch break so I know he will be here somewhere. My eyes anxiously watch as more people pass until my breath hitches seeing the all too familiar face exit a nearby elevator.

His name falls off my lips faster than I could do anything else, "Kim Sunoo?"

Time seems to stop seeing Sunoo turn towards me with widened eyes. His expression is unreadable as he faces me before a large smile graces his face when we make eye contact. He runs towards me catching me off guard and excitedly picks me up, twirling me around. I feel my face flush at the unexpected action and multiple on-lookers watch the scene with curiosity, giving us small glances.

"Sunoo put me down," I quietly said, beginning to feel embarrassed as he smiled sheepishly towards me.

"You came," he whispers, pressing his forehead against mine gently, "you actually came."

"Of course I did," I replied lightly, poking him in the arm, "I'm still in love with you too, dummy. It's just that we lost contact after the break up."

He doesn't hesitate to place a quick kiss to my lips making my face turn a bright red at the public affection, "stop that!"

Sunoo giggles, "I won't ever stop showing you my love ever again, darling. You're mine for the rest of time now!"

"You're so cheesy!" I exclaim pushing myself out of his arms but he just pulls me to him again giggling.

"But you love it!" He teases poking my cheek making me pout but I couldn't help the small smile on my face that appears after. I may have forgotten you for a while but I never stopped loving you.

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