Summer Romance - Jake x Reader

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The sky was crystal blue without a single cloud, letting the sun shine so brightly it was blinding, as I lay on top of a towel sitting on the warm sand. Luckily the sun glasses sitting on top of my nose manage to block out enough of the sun for a nice peaceful day at the beach. Besides it also helps to hide the fact that my eyes can't stop trailing to the lifeguard who's on duty, sitting in the high white chair that lets them see the expanse of the beach, or at least enough to cover their area.

The sun reflects against his longish brown hair so beautifully and his features are so striking, the look of concentration on his face somehow making them stand out even more. It's hard to see the details of his face since he is so far up, but no one would deny that he's stunningly handsome just from one glance. The slight racing of my heart that happens every time he looks over in my direction only proves that more. But obvious, he's looking around for safety, nothing else because that's his job.

I push away the fantastical fictional thoughts of him and once again, focusing on my original purpose here, to relax. At that thought I put my airpods in and start reading my current favorite murder mystery that I haven't been able to get out of my head, similar to a certain lifeguard on duty. I flip open to my bookmark, soon getting sucked into the world of tension, action, and scattered romance.

I never even realized how much time had passed until the sun began setting, making it more difficult to read the pages of my book. A slight pout forms on my lips knowing I'm only a few chapters away from the end, but I only just finish the page I'm reading as it's only going to keep getting darker. Guess the universe wants me to finish this at home. A long sigh exits my lips at the thought of waiting longer to read the ending that I've been anticipating for hours.

"What's the pretty lady sighing for?" A voice asks from next to me and I glance up only to see the lifeguard that had caught my attention earlier. My heart stutters seeing him this up close, his features even more attractive than I could've imagined. I struggle with my brain to try to form a sentence but not before a soft chuckle escapes his pretty lips.

"Cat got your tongue?" He teases with a smile that would compete with the sun on how blinding it is. The way the sun is setting casts a gentle glow to his face that only illuminates his features more.

"No," I blurted out with an oh so obvious blush rising to my cheeks and turned to put my book away in an attempt to hide it, "just wasn't expecting company on a solo excursion."

"I'm company now?" he says, teasing me once again and my eyes widen after realizing what I said. I hurriedly waved my hands to try to indicate that's not what I meant but instead he just held one of my hands in his, "I'll accept the invitation."

"But I didn't-"

"Well," he says, placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, "I'm off the clock now and have all the time in the world to kill. I definitely wouldn't mind spending it with you, plus isn't it rude to refuse someone after you just invited them out?"

I'm left speechless at how he has managed to twist my words and the blatant blush on my cheeks only makes that more apparent, "when did I- Oh, nevermind," he chuckles seeing my obviously flustered expression.

"You're adorable," he says with that same blinding smile and I already feel my heart trying to escape my chest. How is he flirting so easily and so casually? Yet as the thought crosses mine, another passes by so fleeting, I almost dismiss it but if it's true everything begins making more sense. He must do this often. Why didn't I realize earlier?

"I'm sure you tell that to a lot of women you see," I reply somewhat bitterly, not believing I was about to swoon for someone who plays with women's heart like it's some game. That must be it.

He silently watches as I begin grabbing everything I need and questions, "how would you know?"

"Just my intuition," I reply, getting ready to leave by myself yet as I'm about to grab my bag he picks it up, holding it out of my reach, "hey! Give that back-"

"Not until you let me prove to you that the compliments I said were genuine," he says with pleading, puppy eyes that make it too hard to refuse and the obvious height advantage he has in this situation of holding my things out of reach.

"Fine," I state, staring right at him, "you get one chance."

"Thank you, darling," he says with a wink moving to carry my bag on his shoulder, "you won't regret it."

"Call me darling one more time and I will," I say trying to ignore the clear heat rising to my cheeks once again, "let's just go."

"How about sweetheart?" he asks with a large smile and I almost give in until I remember something.

"Maybe telling each other our names first might be better," I reply with a giggle seeing his eyes widen realizing he never asked me my name nor told me his.

"I'm Jake," he holds out his hand for a handshake, that same beaming smile on his face, "and you, Sweetheart?"

"Y/n," I say with a roll of my eyes at the nickname coming up once again and accept his handshake, "and let's stick with that for now."

"Anything you wish," he says, sneaking another kiss on the back of my hand after we shook our hands and I couldn't hide the way my cheeks turned pink.

"Stop doing that!" I say and pull my hands from his and he only chuckles walking beside me now. His arm sneaking around my waist causing me to jump slightly not expecting it.

"But why? I love seeing you get so flustered," he says so casually I almost miss it. He really is such a flirt.

"Oh, shut up," I replied, walking faster, trying to hide the way I became flustered once again at his statement. He only laughs and jogs slightly to catch up to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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