A Love Hidden Between The Lines - Jungwon x Reader

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I sigh in content upon seeing the all too familiar coffee shop that Jungwon and I meet up at weekly. The name of it being Fate ironically considering it's where we met randomly one day, as if destiny itself brought us to each other. This universe is a crazy thing.

The door jingles as soon as I enter, my eyes immediately looking towards the normal booth that Jungwon and I sit at and I feel my heart rate increase seeing he's already here. I can't help but smile brightly seeing his fingers thrum against the table, obviously waiting for me which is strange since it's usually the other way around. I slowly make my way towards the table hoping to scare him but when his gaze turns to meet mine, I know I've lost my chance. He chuckles seeing my original intentions making me pout in response, jokingly trudging over to the table.

"Trying to scare me, hmm?" he asks, smiling brightly with a cute tilt of his head.

"I thought I'd try," I mumble under my breath, sitting down to lean back against the booth still pouting, "but you always manage to catch me before I can even get close to scaring you."

"What can I say? I always have this weird sixth sense whenever you're near me," he says beaming at me and seeing it, I can't help but smile too.

"I think it's because I've been around you for so long," I say teasingly.

"It must be," he says with his laugh that always makes my heart skip a beat from how precious it is but his eyes trail to my bag that sits at my side. He looks in surprise and I curiously follow his gaze to see he is staring at the book tucked into the outside pocket of my bag, "do you like that book?"

"More like love it," I reply with a giant grin pulling it out of my bag and holding it close to my chest, "I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. I think I read it in just two or three sittings."

"Wow," Jungwon replies with his mouth agape because he knows that I only binge things or even just bother reading them when I really love them, "I recognize the book, that's why I asked."

"Have you read it?" I ask curiously knowing Jungwon isn't one for reading these types of books but he smiles at my excited expression.

"Not the entire book," he says nonchalantly, "have you tried looking up the author at all?"

"I did but I literally can't find anything on them except the credit of this book under their name," I sigh out with a pout forming on my lips once again thinking back to my late night searching to try and find the mystery author, "I wanted to read their other books but it seems they've only written this one."

"I actually know the author," he teases with a giant smile that made my heart melt from just the sight, "and I may have heard they're working on another book."

"You're not kidding, right?!? Don't joke with me about stuff like this, Yang Jungwon!" I exclaim, teasingly slapping his arm not believing him but he just chuckles in response.

"I'm not kidding," he states struggling to find his next words, "I know him so well, it's kind of scary."

"This is insane! Why have you never mentioned this before?" I say and lean my elbows on the table looking directly at Jungwon who shyly smiles.

"It isn't that big a deal," he mumbles under his breath with a light blush coating his cheeks that I dismiss knowing he's just shy from the attention.

"You'll have to let me meet them! I mean- they literally wrote out the perfect romance story. It seemed so similar to us, except for the part about the romance of course," I say finding my voice losing its confidence towards the end, an awkward chuckle escaping me. Why did I say that? That was such a stupid thing to say.

I hear a soft sigh from Jungwon, his eyebrows furrowing in internal conflict before he looks into the eyes hesitantly, "Y/n, what if I told you I was the author of the book?"

I felt my heart stop for a second at the idea, but in the back of mind the thought had always lingered. The way the author describes the main character sounded so much like Jungwon, I wanted it to be a coincidence. I wanted to believe that this story wasn't an almost word for word reenactment of the moments we've shared together but with that added aspect of romance that I so craved with the man sitting before me. The relationship I wanted so badly to take to the next level but have been too scared to for years, the book was exactly an example of what could've been if I had said something.

"T-That's crazy," I stutter out feeling a hot blush erupt onto my cheeks at his statement, "I mean- how would you write an entire book without me knowing?"

"Maybe just like how I've been in love with you this whole time without you knowing?" Jungwon says as his eyes never leave mine. He watches carefully as my eyes grow comically wide staring back at him, my mouth agape in pure shock. I can feel my breath get caught in my throat not knowing what to say after such a confession. My heart pounds against my chest so strongly I feel it might break through it at any second. Everything in the world seemed to stop for a full second after he uttered those simple words 'in love with you' that so many couples say without a hitch.

There are no words exchanged as minutes pass by in a flash. I don't even know how long it's been when I finally can get my brain functioning enough to say anything. Let alone speak to the guy I've been in love with for years, "a-are you serious?"

His eyes soften as his shoulders relax hearing the question, "I've never been more serious in my life, love."

An all too familiar burning sensation flares up in my eyes at the word 'love' escaping his lips and having it directed towards me. His eyes widened in worry, seeing the small tears beginning to drip down my cheeks but I can't help it from the overwhelming joy I feel in this moment. I can barely even feel the gentle brush of Jungwon's thumbs brushing away my tears as he cradles my cheeks in his hands. The butterflies in my stomach are all in a frenzy trying to find some sort of semblance of order yet I can't do anything to soothe them with his eyes staring lovingly into mine.

"Why are you crying, my love?" he says when a realization dawns upon him, "unless you don't feel the same way- I completely understand that this is so sudden. If you think this is going to ruin our friendship, I promise that I'll never mention this again. I swear on my life. I just can't lose you, please. "

He goes to remove his hands but I immediately lay my hands over his not wanting him to let go. The comfort just his touch brings is more than anything else in my life, just his presence is enough to calm my soul. Even through the blurry vision of tears, I could see the tint of red his ears were turning from the action and it made my stomach do a happy flip. It takes me a few moments to try and collect my emotions before I speak the words I've been holding back for years, "I love you, too. I love you so much Yang Jungwon that I can't even describe it, and I've been hiding it all this time because I didn't want to lose you."

His dimples appear from the large smile on his face from the declaration of love. He leans forward with a very prominent blush on his cheeks but still has enough confidence to ask, "Y/n, may I kiss you?"

"You never even needed to ask," I whisper back with a grin myself, and his nose scrunches up in happiness.

The kiss was so gentle, so soft, so careful that it was almost as if it never happened. But I knew it did from the happy buzz in my mind feeling his lips against mine. My heart was hammering against my chest just from the short and simple kiss yet it meant so much. The tiny spark between us grew into a roaring flame that consumed the both of us in pure love for one another.

When Jungwon pulls away unwillingly from my lips but is quick to pull one of my hands to his lips. He presses a kiss to my knuckles and gently caresses the spot with his thumb with a shy adoring smile, "thank you, my love."

"For what?" I ask, feeling slightly confused from the response yet it doesn't stop the very obvious blush taking over my features.

He chuckles at this and pulls your hand to rest against his cheek, nuzzling into it, "for just for being you."

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