Bodyguard - Jay x Reader

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I sighed, staring at the clock waiting for my father to show up, who requested my presence to discuss something. It wasn't often he needed to discuss something so urgently, it really piqued my curiosity and I couldn't refuse him after he sounded so desperate over the phone earlier. The creak of my office door opening catches my attention and I glance up to see a very handsome man walking in next to my father with an obvious uniform on, what that uniform was for I'm not quite sure.

"Y/n," my father starts as I look back at him to see a nervous smile on his face already having a feeling where this is going, "as you know since I've recently become CEO, I'm worried about your safety. So I've hired you a personal bodyguard-"

"No," I immediately decline glancing over to the bodyguard who looks at me with a hint of amusement at my answer, "I told you before I can handle myself, I don't need a bodyguard."

"I know that honey," my father says followed by a long sigh, "but it's getting more and more dangerous these days and I only want the best for you."

"Thank you but no thank you," I state turning towards my belongings sitting by my office chair, "I'll be leaving now."

My father doesn't say anything but the echoing footsteps behind me as I leave my office are a clear indicator that this bodyguard won't be leaving me alone any time soon. I roll my eyes at this but decide not to say anything for right now just to appease my father, even if it's just a little. He is my father after all. The guard follows me all the way to my car and I can't resist turning around to look at him.

"You know," I say with a small slightly annoyed smile, "since my father is out of sight now. You can go."

"Sorry sweetheart," he teases with a bright smile right back, "but your father already paid me to guard you so I'll be hanging around you for a while."

I can't stop the roll of my eyes and just chose to continue ignoring presence. This went on for a few weeks of him just lingering outside my office or only a few feet away. No matter what I did to try to shake him, nothing seemed to work, only frustrating me further. But I always saw the hint of the smile on his face every time I tried to lose him as if it's a game. If it's a game to you, I'll be the one winning in the end one way or another.

It was only when I caught Jay leaving his usual position from right outside my office door that I took the chance to leave before he would follow me, as always. Truly, at this point I've somewhat gotten used to the sound of his echoing steps yet I can't help but miss the freedom I once had as well. I briskly walked through the halls of the office, enjoying the fact that for once I'll be able to go home alone once again. I had been so preoccupied with the thought of wanting to leave that I failed to notice the darker presence following me.

Everything happened so fast, I couldn't even process it. One second I was unlocking my car and the next thing I know I have someone holding my hands hostage behind my back. I scream struggling against their grip that continues to tighten but they immediately cover my mouth, "scream one more time and I'll kill you right here, right now."

What did I ever do? I stay silent but I don't stop struggling against his grip on me. He grumbles under his breath at my still very obvious struggle against him and rams my body against the car, in an attempt to get me to stop. I'm left momentarily stunned and go to start struggling once again yet I feel my hands become free in the next second. Huh?

Heavy grunts and grumbles come from next to me and my eyes widen seeing Jay wrestling the man to the ground and taking out a pair of handcuffs, "try that again and I'll kill you."

He doesn't give the man time to react as he cuffs him and immediately starts walking him to security leaving me speechless. Did that actually just happen?

My brain seems to have been stunned until I feel gentle hands cupping my face, checking for any bruises or cuts. Jay's careful hands examined everything he could see with his eyes to see if I was hurt in any way, "are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

I don't respond and pull Jay into a tight embrace, burying my head into his chest, "I-I'm sorry."

But instead of scolding, Jay tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear, "there's no need to feel sorry, but the sentiment behind it is appreciated."

"Thank you for protecting me," I mumble feeling overwhelmed by all the emotions swirling in me but my heartbeat being the most obvious.

"It's my job to protect you," he says with a smile, "and after these few weeks with you, I'd do anything to protect you, even if it meant my life."

A/N: Sorry it's so short butttt here you go ! :)

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