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"What is going on here..." All the boys student have the same thought...


"Ini yang paling aku tunggu Fatin...kalau dia orang berlawan...memang fight of the year!" She whisper shout into Fatin's ear.

"Function bendalah ni ape sial? Aku tak faham la...dah la perempuan, pergi bukak baju bagai sebab nak lawan...takde rasa malu ke?" Fatin whisper back at Alya's ear, disagree with the whole fight.

"Halahhhh sini mana ada laki, kau tengok la semua perempuan. Dah la aku nak tengok ni, kalau la kita ada better lighting kat sini kan bagus...ini harapkan lampu minyak tanah ni je..." Alya suddenly whining.

The boys, of course couldn't keep their eyes off Arissa toned body as they all keep staring at her in shock.

A girl step inside the circle after remove her shirt, her body is no differ from Arissa but less muscle and then, Arissa too, step inside the ring. Both of them warm up a little bit while Uraissa stand in the middle.

"Y'all ready girlsss!!???" The crowd shout "YES" their heart out. "SESI MALAM CABARAN BERMULA DALAM..TIGA! DUA!...SATU!!!!" She wave the red handkerchief in front of her and walk backward, still not noticing the boys.

Following the tradition, the girls will fight as if their life depending on it until one of them knock out. By having Arissa in the ring, the High Council team is very sure that they will win. After 10 minutes of fighting, their ego got humbled when Arissa got kick on her face...the crowd went silent.

Uraissa look at her twin, worried for her condition but the crowd cheer again when Arissa got up and this time...she got pretty mad from the humiliation. She catch up her breath and successfully knock out the girl with a single punch on her nose.

"ANDDDD THE WINNER ISSSS~ ARISSA!!!" Uraissa wave her handkerchief on her right side. Ayuni run toward Arissa and hug her tightly.

With this whole situation, Fatin don't know how react...this is too much for her to accept. "Alya...aku tak rasa benda ni elok la.." She whisper to Alya's ear.

Alya sigh and turn toward Fatin. "Wey...
benda ni dah macam tradisi kat sini. Kita tak boleh buat ape except join or tengok." Alya turn around to look forward, while Fatin sigh in defeat.

A voice suddenly break the crowds cheer...that voice...comes from..."Hai Hani...kau pon nak join jugak ke?" Ayuni ask, trying to provoking her.

"Aku baru ehem ehem kau dah kenal suara aku eh. Aku ade teammate baru yang nak join malam ni...aku perkenalkan...
Broly." All the girls student that present there, their jaw drop on the floor when they saw how...tall...and big...this girl is. It makes Hani smirk in victorious.

"Mak oi...ini lagi tinggi dari aku...agak-agak dia dalam...tinggi Naim dowh! Tak pon lagi tinggi! Dia makan ape sia?!" Ayam whisper shout to Fakhri and Ikhsan, who's staring at her in gobsmacked.

"Uh- Uh....b-boleh...kau nak cabar siapa?" Uraissa stand in the middle, hesitantly but try to hide it.

"Aku nak korang bertiga cabar dia..
SEORANG." Now, it's Hani who trying to provoke them.

"Tidak dibenarkan. Itu melanggar peraturan dalam tradisi Malam Cabaran. Only perlawanan 1 lawan 1 dibenarkan." Uraissa reject Hani's request. She shrug off her shoulder arrogantly.

"Well...aku choose Arissa. Since dia hampir pengsan tadi so why not buat dia pengsan teros...nak tengok jugak." Hani wink at Arissa and the provocation succeed in making her step inside the ring.

Uraissa is not sure with the fight since Xena aka Broly looks too strong for Arissa since she got hurt from the previous fight. Hani should've chose Ayuni or her before..but..
tradition is tradition.

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