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"Jadi sekarang keputusan dia orang macam mana?" Kahar was about to answer Naim's question when...
"Terang lagi bersuluh Nisa yang menang..." Someone interrupts their conversation and it is someone that very was...



With the help of crutches, she walked toward them. Kahar noticed the cast around her right leg and asked, "Kaki kau tu apesal?" Despite feeling angry, he was taken aback by her smile.

"Kakak kau la yang buat. Aku datang sini sebab nak mintak maaf dekat kau Kahar. Sebab aku, dia terbaring kat dalam tu...aku...aku buta." She looks down in guilt. "Oi. Dah la, aku malas nak hadap semua benda ni. Anggap benda ni pengajaran bagi kau."

Naim realized that Kahar and Hani are the same age, while he is younger. He clears his throat awkwardly and excuses himself while Mia and Amir follow him. Fakhri is nowhere to be found. She stares at Naim's fading figure and faces the floor again.

"Tipu la kan kalau aku cakap aku tak marah dekat kau." Kahar tries to not burst. He gritted his teeth as he spoke to show how much he hates Hani at this moment and she knows that. "Kau memang takkan maafkan aku kan." "TAK." He turns to face Hani.

"Sebab kebutaan kau tu, aku hampir hilang kakak aku! Sebab kau, aku hampir hilang orang yang paling aku sayang! Nyawa aku lagi separuh.
Kalau dia mati sebab manifesto bodoh ni...memang naya kau aku kerjakan."

His eyes were red as tears started to form. He broke down in front of Hani while she still didn't move and cried too. How badly he wanted to slap her, punch her, kick her and many other things but he tried to push away such thoughts.

"Kahar. Sumpah...bukan niat aku nak bunuh dia-" "Simpan je la maaf kau tu sebab bukan untuk aku tapi Nisa. Semua benda yang terjadi antara kau dengan kakak aku, KAU yang kena tanggung...sebab kau yang ajak dia untuk Manifesto."

Kahar's words keep echoing inside her head after she remembered that she's the one who invited her into Manifesto when Nisa already forbade it 2 years ago. Sh* she is scared for her life, what if she got expelled from Kudrat because of attempting murder?

"Ape-ape kau settle dengan kakak aku bila dia bangun nanti..." Kahar passes her one last death glare and goes inside Nisa's room, leaving Hani feeling like her world is slowly collapsing.


After a few weeks, Nisa and Naim finally got discharged from the hospital and now, all of them started to attend school as usual. However, things are different for their principal as Abu Yamin is pressuring him to choose between his position as principal and the students' well-being.

If he chooses the position, he must expel both Naim and Fakhri. If he chooses the student's well-being, he must tell the media the truth about this case. Both of the choices don't give him any good results. Suddenly, someone is knocking on the door.

Tuan Yusof flinched as he was in deep thought and not expecting anyone to come. "Masuk." He fixed his posture, in case it was one of the teachers, however, that's not was Nisa. She passes him a small smile and sits in front of him.

"Tuan okay ke?" She asks nonchalantly, it's almost sounds like she's mocking. Tuan Yusof sensed that Nisa knew what happened so he stayed silent and she chuckled in anticipation. "Mesti bapak saya bagi Tuan masa yang susah kan? Takpe. Saya boleh tolong."

His eyes lightened up, he had a hope that someone would pull him out of this mess and now...she's appeared before him. "Awak boleh tolong saya dari segi ape?" He leans forward, placing his elbow on the table and folding his fingers.

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