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"Ape guna aku suka dia kalau dia suka kau..."


Nisa frowns at Mia's words. Naim? Likes her? "Ape yang membuatkan kau terpikir yang dia suka aku?" Mia shrugs off her shoulder and faces Nisa. "Bila dia susah senang, dalam sudut hati dia...aku boleh nampak sebenarnya kau yang dia harapkan."

Nisa looked down for a minute before a small smile formed on her lips. "Aku rasa it's just a mere attraction je, nothing more, nothing less." Mia snaps her head toward Nisa's direction. "Takkan kau tak rasa macam...nak jaga hati si Naim tu?"

Nisa ignores her word and turns around to face Mia fully with fierce eyes. "Kau tau Mia...aku bukan la ape but for someone yang dah berkerja fall in love with someone yang masih bersekolah, tak kesah la lelaki ke perempuan, kira pedophile kau tau tak?"

Mia was taken aback by what Nisa said. Pedophile? Her? She never thought of that before but now that someone told her about it. "Kau sedar tak? Hm? Lepas Naim jumpa kau, dia tak nak balik rumah."

Nisa continues to scold Mia. "Dia melawan mak dia. Takde benda baik yang akan datang untuk dia once dia buat mak dia menangis." "Kau tak faham...Naim tu dia dah tak tahan dengan everything, everyone."

"Bukan dia nak pon melawan mak dia tapi parent dia yang selalu lebihkan Fakhri. Kau pon nampak kan semua ni?" Mia raised her voice a little. "Mia. Ape yang dia lalui, aku dah kena dulu and aku pon melawan cakap bapak aku balik..."

"Tapi lama-lama aku sedar...ape yang aku buat selama ni, takde manfaat pon dekat diri aku sebab aku tak dapat lupakan semua benda. Kau nak Naim jadi macam aku ke? Kau nak dia rosakkan diri dia sendiri semata nak kebahagiaan yang sementara?"

"Memang aku benci bapak aku. Sebenci-benci nya...tapi kau tengok keadaan aku sekarang? Aku happy ke kalau aku benci family aku? Takde secuit rasa bahagia pon aku rasa... melainkan penderitaan yang aku dapat..."

"Takde manusia dalam dunia ni akan lupa dengan kenangan pahit dalam hidup dia..."

As Nisa wiped away a couple of tears from her eyes, she realized that the happiness she had hoped to find after running away from her father was still out of reach. The six years she spent at Kudrat felt like nothing but endless torture.

She has to keep herself sane by trying to keep in touch with everyone without knowing that her life will ruined by Maria and her friends...she has no one to lean on...but herself. Hearing this, Mia finally realized how messed up Nisa's life was for someone who was just 18 years old.

Someone who was the same age as hers...yet she hid it so well that people thought that she was an arrogant, cruel, self-centred 'KAPLA'. What Nisa said was some way, she slowly ruining Naim.

"Jadi suggestions kau?" Mia finally opened up to Nisa. She smiled a little. "Kau ade future yang bright Mia...
dapatkan scholarship kau." Mia nods her head and slowly hugs Nisa.

"Jagakan Naim...bila aku takde. After all, selain Nurin dengan Fatin, kau je boleh dia berhenti buat benda yang bukan-bukan." Mia's advice while hugging her tightly...

"Aku...tak boleh janji Mia. Tapi aku cuba." She stroked Mia's arm. Not long after, Mia breaks the hug and faces Nisa for the last time. "Thank you." Nisa didn't say anything, she only nodded her head. After that, Mia leaves Nisa alone.


"So that's what happens. Mia tak tinggalkan kau pon. Dia pilih untuk focus dekat dia punye masa depan." Nisa turned to look at Naim when she noticed that he kept quiet all the time. He was staring at the blank space with...unreadable expression.

PHC: More Breed Of Chaos | ENG X MALAY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now