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When Nisa laughs like a maniac, Fakhri and Naim leave the place and feel intimidated by her.


Alya covered her mouth with her hand and let out a quiet gasp after Fatin told her what happened. "Aku rasa dia gila la Fatin..sape boleh pegang ular macam benda tu getah paip?!" She shouted in disbelief.

Fatin shakes her head in determination. "Tak...aku nak tau ape yang dia akan buat bila masuk ring. Bila dia tukar kulit dia.." Alya look at her in confusion. "Bila dia bukak baju ke ape?" Fatin mentally slaps herself because of Alya's question.

"Persona. Bila dia tukar persona. Faham?" Alya immediately nodded her head, understanding what she meant.

Fatin ruffled her hair in frustration as she knew, nobody knew what Nisa really capable of in fighting. She could be a python or cobra but she could both!


"Fatin nampak diri Nisa yang satu lagi. Terkejut jugak dia." A girl named Lashira said to Hani and blow her nails.

"Liar macam mana pon orang tu, mesti ade kelemahan jugak. For Nisa, it's her loved one.." Hani blew out the smoke from her cigarettes. "Siapa? Dia bukan ade family member or boyfriend kat sini?" Asked Broly.

"Tsk tsk tsk...dia ade sebenarnya. Tu tugas korang untuk cari siapa. Lebih ramai, lebih bagos." Her gang sigh in frustration as they thought Hani know who she/he is.

"Fatin Fatin...aku admire kau punye keberanian untuk lawan Nisa but kan lagi bagus kalau kau join aku..." Hani mentally said to her herself.

"Aku nak korang perhatikan Kahar, Naim, Fakhri, Nurin, Fatin, High Council lelaki dengan Perempuan...kita boleh cari kunci kelemahan Nisa dekat dia orang. Faham?" The four of them nod their head.


"Kau sure ke nak lawan si Fatin tu Nisa? She's not worth your time tau." Uraissa persuades her to discontinue their fight. Nisa leaned on her chair and turned around slowly.

"Aku tak rasa dia nak lawan sebab jawatan ni, unlike Hani." Nisa look at Uraissa. "Aku dapat rasa yang dia memang betul-betul nak tau diri aku sebenarnya siapa..." Sofya lean against Nisa study table.

"So sekarang kau nak buat ape? Dia kan lari semalam." Sofya said. "Tsk tsk tsk, aku belum dapat official invitation lagi so...aku tunggu. Lagi pon bosan la kalau Kapla tak pernah tunjuk skill dia, kannn?" Nisa smirk.

The four girls nod their heads, and finally agree with Nisa as they too, are excited to see what Nisa really capable of infighting.


"Tak faham aku. Perempuan pon nak gaduh gaduh macam budak laki. Ey cousin kau tu pikir dia sape ha?" "Eh aku pulak yang kau marah, kau berani ke nak marah Fatin?" Naim defend himself using his cousin's name when Mia scold him.

Mia knows everything about the girl's school, who's the Kapla, what's Kapla, literally everything because she's friends with Nurin.

"Aku sendiri pon tak tau ape yang Fatin pikir Mia. Tapi dia tu panjang akal sikit, most of the time so dia tau la ape dia buat." Naim defend her. "High Council. Dengar Nurin cerita macam..seram jugak bunyi dia. Korang lelaki ade jugak ke?"

Her question caught Naim off guard. He clears up his throat and avoids eye contact with her. "M-Mana ada, kalau ade pon mesti dah ade gaduh batch dah." Mia nods her head and agrees with Naim.

Suddenly, Fatin comes out of nowhere, and now, she's standing behind Naim. She pulls his hoodie and he flinches in shock. When he turned around, he sighed in relief.

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