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"Kau ni sape sebenarnya..." He asks in a soft way...


Naim and Nisa sit side by side and neither of them open their mouth. Naim hesitantly looked at Nisa and said. "So kau...kakak kandung Kahar? Kecoh dua sekolah lepas dapat tau." He tries to have a conversation with her again.

"Aku kakak tiri dia. Sama bapak, lain mak. Aku sorang je anak perempuan." Naim was a bit surprised that she casually talked about her family...even if it was only a little. "Kau..okay ke dengan family kau?" Naim suddenly asks.

"Tak sangat. Kau yang tanye ni mesti kau tak okay dengan family kau kan? Aku tau, parent kau cerai, ade dalam personal data kau." She said as if it was nothing. Naim was a little bit uncomfortable but she seems...

He takes a deep breath before saying. "Kau boleh simpan rahsia kan? Nurin pernah cakap yang...semua masalah yang dia bagitahu kau sebelum ni, semua kau simpan." She just reply with "Hmm".

Naim told her what happened to his family from A to Z, what he felt after Fakhri left his home a week before 'Kem Bulan Madu' what happened afterward, and what he felt right at that moment. "Aku dapat rasa yang...parent Fakhri lebih sayang aku dari aku."

He notices that Nisa just kept quiet all the time. He looked at her and flinched a little when he saw she already looking at him. "Aku bukan la ape Naim, tapi kalau parent kau pon dah tak sayang kau buat ape kau stay dengan dia orang lagi?" Naim didn't expect such a question from her.

"Aku..." He was speechless and she chuckled a little bit. "Aku bukan kau and kau bukan aku. But kau boleh ambik advice aku kalau kau nak." Naim scooted closer and leaned forward to hear her advice.

"Kau pilih lah cara hidup yang kau nak. Sakitkan kau macam tu tak beri ape-ape faedah pon kat diri kau sendiri." He was unsure whether to choose that path or seemed like a new world to him. But the way she said it, seems like she's already on that path.

"Kau dah lama tinggalkan parent kau ke...sampai kau sanggup suruh aku buat life baru?" She kept quiet for awhile but still answer him. "Itu...kau tak payah tau la. Tapi kau ade pilihan sama ada untuk stay hidup macam ni...or tinggalkan."

She left him alone with his thoughts. Even her advice was short but it helps Naim to think about his does help him...a little...but he realizes one thing..

"Nisa takde la sejahat yang orang cakapkan..."...


"Itu yang Naim cerita kat aku. Dia cakap banyak kali yang Nisa bukan la perempuan jahat, bukan macam Hani cakapkan." Nurin told her sister. "Habis, rumor pasal dia bakar tangan student tu? Belasah student? Kelar student? Bila tanye dia buat bodoh pulak." Fatin said nonchalantly.

"Entah la Fatin...pasal hal tu, takde orang boleh bagi testimony untuk mangsa sebab takde orang nampak Nisa yang buat. Kan Alya?" Alya nod at Nurin's sentence. "Kes ni berat Fatin...tapi takde bukti , takde saksi so memang susah pihak sekolah nak buat kerja." Alya said.

"Oh ye Nurin. Tadi aku kan suruh kau mintak Fakhri bagi duit rokok dekat aku, asal kau lama sangat?" Fatin ask Nurin. "Sebelum tu, kenapa kau mintak Fakhri bagi duit rokok pulak?" Nurin squint her eyes in suspicion.

Fatin clicks her tongue before replying. "Ish, kita orang ade janji kalau aku kantoi nampak dia merokok, dia kena bayar aku 10 ringgit, tu je." Nurin smack Fatin's head. "KAU NI! SAMA JE NAIK DENGAN FAKHRI TU!" Fatin only laugh and Nurin hand her RM20.

"Hmmm tadi aku lambat sebab Naim dengan Ariz..."


"KAU TAU TAK APE KAU BUAT KAT DIA...KAU TAU TAK APE KAU BUAT KAT DIA PEROGOL!!" Naim shout at one of Kahar's minion, Ariz faces out of anger while Hakeem tries to break the tension between them. "Naim...kalau staff DM dengar macam mana..."

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