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Fatin strokes her head and continues to think who the person could be Kahar's older sister. Don't know why...but she has a hunch saying that she's the person..but it can't be...that person is...

Among the High Council..


Fatin shakes her head in disbelief while Kahar doesn't even know what's going on inside her head. "Oi, kau dah kenapa geleng kepala pulak?" She snaps back to reality. "Hah? Uh...takde pape...tapi...kau buat ape kat sini?" She changed the topic. "Ni port aku merokok la dengan geng aku, nasib dia orang tak ikut. Jenuh aku nak explain."

Fatin face forward and lean her head back to the wall. "Kau tak pelik ke kenapa Nurin tak pernah cakap buruk pasal Nisa?" Kahar break the silence between them. "Ye tak ye jugak, aku baru perasan...kenapa?" Kahar only laugh, making Fatin frown in confusion.

"Selama ni yang bagi mental dan emotion support dekat kakak kau tu. Nisa la. Percaya atau tak, terpulang pada kau." Fatin immediately shake her head, did not believe him. "Tak mungkin." "Alah kau dah biasa dengar keburukkan dia, memang tak percaya la kalau dengar benda baik pasal dia."

She chuckle and it's his first time see a genuine laugh from her..."Comel..." He thought. "Tapi betul jugak cakap kau, semua orang ade baik buruk." She pout and look at Kahar. "So ape-ape masalah pon...kau kena hadap. Terima la kakak kau..dia tak buat salah pon kan? Fikir balik."

Kahar persuades her even though he doesn't know what happened between them but never brings himself to ask her as he is afraid that he might invade her privacy. Fatin quietly agrees with Kahar...


"According to my grandmother la, Bunga Rose boleh guna untuk warna lipstick!" Sofya states while holding a sprig of rose. "Suka hati je kau pergi potong...aku yang siram, aku yang jaga." Nisa scolded Sofya while putting her hands on her hips.

Sofya covered her face with the rose in her hand. "Sorry la, nanti aku ganti dengan satu pasu." Arissa suddenly raises her hand. "OKAY! AKU SAKSI!" Three of them laugh when Sofya passes a death glare while Nisa just chuckles quietly.

"Eh tapi Nisa...untuk pertandingan pidato, sajak dengan debate tu, kau masuk ke? Kau kan President untuk Kelab Bahasa." Uraissa ask the Kapla. "Mesti lah. Macam tak biasa pulak. Nak dapat markah lebih." She answer without looking at Uraissa as she watering the plants.

"Aku bukan la ape Nisa..tapi- ish takut pulak aku nak tanye ni dekat kau." Ayuni feels unsure with herself. "Tanye je la." Nisa look at her with her usual cold stare. "Ummm. Kenapa kau datang sekolah sial ni balik eh? Kau kan dah graduate tahun lepas?" Nisa laugh quietly and dust off her hand from the dirt.

"Satu hari nanti korang akan tau kenapa...sebab aku sendiri tak jumpa jawapan lagi. So don't bother to ask anymore." Ayuni immediately nods her head at Nisa's answer. "Manifesto kau dengan Fatin malam besok...
kenapa kau agree?" Sofya suddenly brings up while helping Nisa.

Nisa stay quiet for few second. "Aku rasa..happy. Dia nak lawan aku bukan sebab Kapla pe segala ni. Dia nak tau sape diri aku ni..." Nisa's lips curve into a small smile which none of them ever saw it. "Jadi...kau nak tunjuk ke?" Ayuni ask her. "Tak...sebab aku sendiri tak kenal diri aku ni siapa..."

The four girls look at each other and feel the sadness in her tone. Frankly, the four of them don't even know Nisa's true self. Who is she...what is she...they never knew...


"KAU CAKAP BETUL-BETUL DENGAN AKU YAM, KAU SERIOUS NI?!" Fakhri suddenly burst in anger after hears his friend's story. "Serious la. Tempat Kahar selalu merokok tu, tempat lepak dia orang la. Aku selalu nampak Fatin pergi situ. Kau ni dah kenapa.. protective sangat?" Ayam ask while frowning.

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