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"Kau nak ajak aku berlawan kan..?" Fatin smug look, replace with a vicious smile.."Dah tau bertanya pula..." Both of them intensely stare into each other's eyes...


"Do what you want and what you feel, untuk mengalu-alukan aku dalam sangkar kau..." Nisa boops Fatin's nose as she is much taller than her while smirking and walking away, leaving her feeling humiliated again.

"Dia memang orang yang berbeza...kalau jumpa in private..." Fatin slowly starts to think that what Hani said is probably true...about Nisa being a two-face b*tch.


Nisa knocked on the teacher's office door and heard someone say "Come in". She walked inside quietly and saw Mr. Sin sitting on his desk. "Ah Nisa. Come here for a second." Without saying anything, she walked up to him and stood in front of him.

"Why did you call me Sir?" "As the President of the Club of Natural Environment, I need to ask your help know look after our botanic garden." Her eyes widen in shock. "Do I have to water the plant every day Sir?" She asks in disbelief.

"I'm not forcing you Nisa, but if you do then you'll get an extra mark for your co-curriculum." Her eyes shone when she heard the proposition, which she immediately agreed without hesitation.

"Okay then, you can start tomorrow. You may dismiss."

"Eh kejap. Kalau macam tu...setiap hari la aku akan pergi ke bahagian sekolah lelaki?!" The thought of meeting the male student, had her regretting her decision for a good 10 second..but..for extra mark. 'Whatever'.


Next Morning.

"Ape yang kau renungkan tu Naim?" Amir ask when he saw Naim keep playing with his food. "Takde la. Kat sini Kahar sebok dengan Fakhri. Kat seberang Nisa sebok dengan Fatin. Macam serabut sikit la.." He scratch his nape.

"Kalau aku jadi kau la, serabut aku Fakhri. Dengan masalah Kahar lagi tapi kau support eh cousin kau nak lawan dengan Kapla perempuan tu?" Fakhri nod his head.

"Orang takkan rebel for no reason." Fakhri and Naim said at the same time but at different people.

"Ape yang cousin kau fikir sampai sanggup ajak gaduh dengan Nisa?" Ayam ask but Fakhri shrug off his shoulder. "Dia tak bagi tau aku pon. Mungkin sebab semua gossip yang dia dengar? Entah la."

"Dengar cerita dari Nurin, student memang mengadu kat Hani macam-macam hal dan dia akan bertindak sebagai kononnya, pembela nasib murid. Tapi sebenarnya dia nak jawatan Kapla." Said Naim.

"Nurin ade dengar dari Hani sendiri ke?" Amir ask Naim. "Memang dari dulu lagi Hani nak Nisa lepaskan jawatan tu, tapi Nisa buat tak endah je dengan perangai Hani tu so mungkin betul." Naim shrug off his shoulder.

Kahar is having an unsettling feeling down in his heart with the gossip about Nisa and Fatin's fight that is yet to be confirmed. He instantly thought about meeting Nisa and asking her about it, he threw his cutleries in his tray and then walked away, ignoring his friend who had been calling him from behind.

When Kahar arrived at the girl's school area, he saw Hani and Fatin confronting each other. He hides behind a pillar to hear what're they talking about.

"Sekarang baru kau nampak ke betapa sial nye Nisa kalau dia jadi Kapla?" Hani ask Fatin with an arrogant smirk on her face.

Fatin clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes. "Mungkin jugak...perangai dia yang suka merendahkan ego orang. Tapi beza dia, AKU. TAK. NAK. JAWATAN. KAPLA. Faham..?" Fatin purposely bumped her shoulder against Hani's shoulder as she walked away.

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