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"Boleh tak kau....


"Boleh tak kau masakkan makan malam untuk kakak aku? Sejahat-
jahat aku pon, aku sanggup rendahkan ego aku ni untuk dia." Nurin lips curve into a warm smile and Kahar somehow...relief that she didn't judge him.

"No problem la. Kot ye pon mintak je la, kau ni macam nak bagi aku dadah. Meh sini, teman aku boleh? Alang-
alang tu tolong aku sekali." Kahar agree and both of them sneak inside the DM's kitchen to cook for Nisa meals.

Nurin looked over at Kahar, who stood over the blender and blended some red onion. She got warm feelings inside her heart when she saw a boy help her in cooking..."Kau betul ke suka adik aku Kahar?" Kahar switches off the blender and glances at Nurin.

"Kau tak approve ke kalau aku suka dia?" Nurin quickly shake her head. "Hmmm...adik kau sentiasa ade dengan aku especially masa aku susah. Part tu yang membuatkan aku suka sangat- tak...aku sayang dia." Kahar lean against the kitchen counter, still looking at Nurin.

"Aku sayang Fatin...Nurin...aku sayang dia sangat-sangat."

Nurin who's been chopping chilies on the cutting board, continues chopping aggressively while smiling in happiness. "Elok la tu. Dia ade jugak cakap aku yang kau ni berbeza bila lepak dengan dia...kau tak boleh nak letak imej Kahar The Kapla depan dia."

Nurin teased him with a warm smile on her face. Kahar's face turned red as he was embarrassed by her teasing. "Sikit-sikit dah ah. Tu, bawang dah siap blend." He turned around, avoiding himself from facing Nurin because of his red face.


"Kan syok kalau Kahar ade confess dekat kau. Ye la lagi berapa bulan genap setahun kau kat sini, Kahar pon nak SPM, tahun depan dia dah takde." The thought of not be able to hang out with Kahar again next, saddened Fatin for some reason.

"Lupa pulak dia senior kita..." Fatin covered herself with a blanket and Alya snuggled beside her as they were laying on the same bed. "Kau rasa...
ape pengakhiran cerita kita kat sini eh Fatin? High Council kekal ke tak?" Alya places her head on top of Fatin's chest.

Fatin have a thought about it for awhile before answered. "Aku rasa...
macam tahun sebelum-sebelum ni la. High Council masih ada and kita graduate macam biasa." Alya nod at her response. "Aku rasa pulak, benda ni akan dibubarkan bila ade kes orang nak membunuh sesama sendiri...tak tau la sape."

Fatin's heartbeat increased when she remembered Fakhri and Naim's situation. Naim remained with his stance while Fakhri on the other hand...was probably trying to stop the fight between them. "Eh Fatin, kau okay tak ni? Heartbeat kau laju."

Fatin snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Alya's voice. "Huh? Aku okay...seram sejuk pasal something je..."


"Eh kejap Keem, kau ade nampak adik aku?" Nisa asks and at the same time, she's rubbing her left eye, a sign that she just woke up. "Uh...takde pulak. Nak aku carikan ke?" Hakeem offered but Nisa declined it. "Takpe. Nanti dia balik la kot." Hakeem nods his head and excuses himself.

"Aih...mana saja budak Kahar ni pergi?" Nisa mentally asked herself and she couldn't sit still. Soon, she sighed in relief when she saw her brother walk in with...a tray? In his right hand, he put it on the study desk, not too far from his bed.

Kahar sits on the bed and strokes the older one head with a warm smile. "Sorry lambat. Kahar mintak tolong someone masakkan makanan favourite kakak." Nisa raised an eyebrow at his words.

"Makanan favourite?" She let out a small laugh. "Kau ingat lagi eh?" Kahar nodded his head, still with a smile on his face. He takes the tray and places it on his sister's lap. "Kakak kena makan banyak, Hani...
mesti takkan give up punya." She knew why he said that...

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