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"Kita tengok la...kalau Naim nak dengar cakap ADIK last time..."


"So kau nak confront...Naim? To stop this whole sh*t?" Fakhri nodded his head at Nisa's question. She wasn't sure about that since Naim had been shutting out everyone from his life including...her.

"Aku tau benda ni useless tapi aku kena cuba. Aku dah hilang bond antara family aku, takkan aku nak hilang abang aku jugak. Dia je yang aku ade sekarang..." Nisa notices that it's too late for Fakhri to realize everything. Naim has broken completely.

She got up from her seat and stood in front of Fakhri. "Kau kena tau yang Naim dah lost everything. Dia tolak semua orang dari hidup dia, termasuk diri dia sendiri jadi aku harap kau dapat la...pujuk dia." 

Fakhri knew that even Nisa herself was unsure about all these things, however, she still tried to comfort him, and that is what matters the most to Fakhri. "Kau nak ke manifesto dengan Hani?" He suddenly brings up after a minute of silence.

"Aku takde pilihan lain. Aku nak dia berhenti sebelum tambah lagi kerosakan...and aku nak dia tau jugak. Jawatan Kapla ni bukan orang macam dia untuk pegang..berat tanggungjawab." Now it's Fakhri is the one who's unsure about this.

He was about to ask her about her other personality but it struck Fakhri's mind that Nisa didn't remember what happened after the batch fight since she got a pretty hard punch from him. It leaves purple bruises under her chin that stay till today.

Or at least...that's what he thought why she didn't remember a thing. "Kau sure ke korang selamat lepas Manifesto? Aku takut kalau Hani bermati-matian nak jawatan sial ni." Nisa scratched her head in frustration before shrugging off her shoulder.

"Aku takde pilihan lain Fakhri, satu-satunya cara nak buat dia sedar is biar dia let her taste her own medicine. Dia nak sangat lawan dengan aku kan? Biar aku tunjuk dekat dia level kekuatan seorang Kapla perempuan, the level of strength yang dia patut capai."

Fakhri feared for Hani's safety and Nisa's well-being in case Hani triggered Nisa's other personality, Auraisha. Nisa was unaware of revealing her other side to others, so Fakhri couldn't express his concerns.

"Aku harap...kau menang and survive dalam Manifesto ni." Fakhri passed her a fake reassuring smile and she did not suspect anything so she also passed a small smile.


"So Nisa insists on having Manifesto dengan Hani?" Nurin asks Sofya who had a concerned expression on her face, who wouldn't? Sofya nodded her head vigorously and she couldn't sit still as her right leg kept shaking.

"Aku takut sangat Auraisha keluar, naya Hani kalau benda tu terjadi. Kau tau tak memang rule seorang Kapla untuk tak boleh decline any invitation ke Manifesto and bila benda ni berlangsung takde sape boleh berhentikan."

Fatin and Nurin look at each other as they too are concerned about this whole Manifesto. Not to mention their cousin also will go through the same thing. Not even Kahar could stop them. "Eh, tapi...Naim dengan Fakhri..."

Sofya suddenly pointed out and it caught the attention of both siblings. "Mungkin dengan cara ni, High Council finally dapat dibubarkan tapi kita tak boleh pasti sangat. Pihak alumni for sure akan cuba buang Fakhri dengan Naim sebab-"

"Sebab nak pertahankan tradisi bodoh yang dah tak relevan untuk budak zaman sekarang?" Fatin cut the older one and Nurin nodded indicating that she was right. Somehow, Sofya agrees with Nurin.

It's time to change and the tradition in Kudrat can no longer be used in the modern era. "Nisa mesti dah look forward pasal ni. Dia memang nak tradisi ni hapus pon." Sofya said it proudly. There's a high possibility that this will happen.

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