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"Nisa...dia cuba bunuh diri..." Alya and Fatin look at Nurin in shock...


Fatin, Nurin, Naim, and Fakhri arrived at the nurse's room at the same time, only to find the girls still standing outside the room. "Ape jadi ni Uraissa?! Kenapa korang berdua penuh dengan darah ni?!" Nurin asked in concern.

"Ni darah Nisa la...kita orang terjumpa dia pengsan dalam toilet tadi. Banjir dengan darah jugak la...teruk." Fakhri's mind couldn't stop thinking about something negative. He feels was all his fault...for asking about her scars...

"Takkan la dia nak bunuh diri pulak?" Naim asks in confusion, the twin only shrugs off their shoulder. Suddenly, the door opened revealing Sofya's mother. She makes a gesture that all of them could come inside.

"Dia...lost too much blood. As you can see, dia sangat pucat. Ade empat kesan tikam dekat abdomen dia and...lebih dari 20 kesan toreh kedua-dua belah tangan." All of them look at Nisa in shock.

"There's also a major sign of stress, insomnia, and her body figure is...too skinny. Ade sign of overdose...terkejut jugak la." Sofya's father read his report and looked at his daughter. "Bukan Papa dah suruh Ofya jaga dia?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

Sofya stammers for a while before answering her father. "It's not like I'm not trying...Nisa ni kan keras kepala." Sofya defends herself, and her mother understands that it's not an easy job for her daughter.

"Jadi...Nisa macam mana sekarang?" Fakhri hesitantly asks. "She needs to rest...for a very long time. Kena ade orang jaga la." Sofya's mother said before she handed Sofya, Nisa's food routine after she woke up.

"Thank you, Mummy. Jangan bagitahu orang lain tau pasal ni, especially Kahar." Her mother nodded at her daughter's request and kissed her cheeks before leaving and her father did the same thing.

Ayuni sits on the bed, on Nisa's right side while Arissa is on her left side. "Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni..." Fakhri stays quiet for a while before he asks Sofya. "Aku confused lagi ni. Ape punca dia jadi macam ni?"

Sofya turned to look at Fakhri while frowning and was about to open her mouth when Fatin cut her off. "Bukan kau lepak dengan Nisa ke malam semalam? Aku dengan Nurin terserempak dengan Ayam tadi so dia cakap la..."

Fakhri just nodded his head but didn't say anything and he turned to look at Sofya. She looks up like she is thinking of something before speaking. "Kau ade buat something ke masa kau lepak dengan dia?" Fakhri shakes his head as no.

Naim looks at Sofya and his brother back and forth. "Kau ade tersalah cakap something dekat dia?" Fakhri thought for a second until he realized something. "Eh...aku ade tegur parut dekat pipi dia, tu je." Fakhri frowned as he said that.

"Hmmm...parut dia ni...aku sendiri tak tau datang dari mana. Arissa?" Sofya turned to look at her but suddenly Ayuni butt in. "Kejap, aku rasa aku tau...tapi..." She hesitates.

"Asal?" Naim speaks for the first time. "Korang ingat tak...sape Kapla kita 2 tahun lepas...sebelum Nisa naik..." Ayuni's question makes Nurin look down in nervousness and she nods her head before replying. "Aku ingat sangat-sangat..."

"Nama dia...Maria..." Uraissa said in a low tone...

Sofya looked at her friends and Nurin in confusion. "Asal korang ni? Macam takut semacam je." The two male siblings now are the ones who look at Sofya confusedly. "Takkan kau tak tau...?" Naim asks Sofya.

"Aku lepas PMR baru masuk Kudrat." She replied. "Tapi...tak silap aku, dia okay je jadi Kapla?" Arissa state. Fatin only kept quiet all the time as she didn't know anything happened.

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