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"Nisa! Naim...Naim masuk hospital!" Nisa's eyes widen like a plate. "Hospital mana...?"


"Dia dekat xxx hospital!" Nisa was so worried about the sibling's condition and Hani could sense that. She slowly removed her hand from Nisa's shoulder. "Kau pergi la kat Naim, aku boleh manage diri aku sendiri." Nisa immediately snapped her head in Hani's direction.

"Kau gila ke? Kaki kau patah tu." Nisa points at Hani's leg but Hani insists. "Eh kau pergi la! Kau fikir aku takde kawan ke nak tolong aku? Pergi sana!" She softly pushes Nisa away. Nisa had no time to deal with this so she agreed.

They wore their clothes back. Ayuni heads to the hospital with Nisa, while Arissa brings Hani to another Hospital so that they don't bump into the teachers.


At the hospital, Nurin and Fatin stood behind Fakhri in a daze when his mother slapped him. They weren't sure whether he deserved that or not, but it was her fault too, otherwise this thing wouldn't happened. When Nisa arrived at the scene, her presence shocked both teachers.

"Nisa, what are you doing here?" Puan Faniza asked her with a shocked expression. Nisa took a glance at Puan Faniza and Mr Sin while trying to catch her breath but she ignored them. "FAKHRI!" Nisa, without hesitation, called out his name, not caring about the people around them.

Fakhri was frozen to see Nisa...he didn't expect that she would be here. But for who? Nisa ran towards him while unfolding a blanket and as soon as she reached him, Nisa covered his naked top with the blanket while Fakhri stared at her in a daze.

"N-Nisa...a-aku-" "Shhhh diam okay? Tenang kan diri kau dulu. Jom duduk dulu dekat depan tu." It was the first time they'd heard her speak so softly. She helped him stand on his feet and guide him to walk outside. The scene that's just happened shocked all of them...what did Nisa just do? Why?


Nisa hands Fakhri a mineral water bottle which he gladly accepts. The stabbed wound on Nisa's stomach has been forgotten by her. Her main focus was on Fakhri and Naim. "Kau buat ape kat sini Nisa?" He asks without looking. "Masak. Buat ape lagi? Jenguk korang la."

Both of them are sitting next to each other in silence. Nisa took a glance at Fakhri's parent and saw his mother crying while putting her head on her ex-husband's shoulder. She rolls her eyes in annoyance, what's the point of crying now? She never appreciates her son anyway.

Fakhri saw what she did and tapped her lap softly, almost not touching her. Nisa face Fakhri with a questioning look, "Kenapa kau buat muka dekat mak aku?" She blinked her eyes while he waited for her response.

"Takde pape lah. Can't help but judge. Sikit." There's silence between them again. Fakhri scooted closer towards Nisa and leaned a little bit closer, and this time she didn't move. "Aku tumbuk dia sampai dia masuk sini Nisa..."

Fakhri showed her both of his bloody hands and Nisa stared at it blankly. "Kau tengok...aku hancurkan hidup semua orang. Hidup parent aku. Hidup abang aku...hidup aku..." He cries in silence. As much as she wanted to hug him, and comfort him, she couldn't do that.

Nisa stood up while pulling the hem of the blanket. "Sini, ikut aku." Fakhri followed her in quietly like a lost puppy and he realised that they were heading to the restroom. Nisa casually walked inside the men's restroom and turned around. "Kau basuh tangan kau."

Fakhri did as she said, soon, the blood and mud on his face and hands got washed off. "Kadang-kadang sifat pentingkan diri sendiri tu kena ade dalam sini." She points at his chest. "Kau boleh give up untuk orang lain tapi jangan pernah untuk diri sendiri..."

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