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"Parent aku dah meninggal...Fakhri...lepas kau dengan Naim lesap. Family kita orang pon jadi huru hara jugak..."


Flashback to 6 years ago...

Nurin and Fatin are hugging each other in fear..fear for their life. They got kidnapped by the loan sharks, who demanded their parent to pay back how many they owed.

"Takpe dik, takpe...abang akan selamatkan kita. Jangan risau..." However, Nurin's heart says otherwise. "Abang pon penagih..nak tolong ape?" She tried to comfort her sister.

"Ini budak..kalau jual pon boleh buat duit banyak tau." He grabs a fistful of Fatin's hair and out of reflex, Nurin grabs the man's wrist. "JANGAN SENTUH DIA!" The man slaps Nurin's cheek, causing her to fall on the floor.

"KAKAKKKKK!!!" He finally let go of Fatin's hair and she crouched beside Nurin, helping her to sit. Nurin immediately pulls Fatin inside her embrace, protecting her sister with her small body.

With trembling hands, Nurin stroked her sister's hair. But in the blink of an eye, Fatin got dragged away by a man while Nurin screamed helplessly as she tried to get out of another man's grip. "BAGI BALIK ADIK AKUUUU!!!!"

Then everything went black.

Nurin was sitting a cold and dark room..while crying her heart out. She lost track of time. It's been a week since their disappearance and both of them feels like they're not even important to their parent...

They start to abuse her mentally and physically by saying such words. "MAK ABAH KAU DAH MAMPOS LA SIAL!"

"Mak..Abah...Nurin rindu Mak..." Nurin cried to herself with a voice that was full of sorrow...the door suddenly burst open, causing her to flinch in fear. She crawled backward when she saw the man walk toward her.

She screamed when he started to drag her out of the room. She is surprised to see the corpse in front of her...

"ABANG!!!!!!!!!" She ran towards him and crouched beside him. She cried once again after seeing her brother's corpse.

Out of reflex, she pulled out the knife that was sticking inside his stomach but at the same time, Fatin walked in and was shocked to see her sister holding up a knife...with her brother lying on her lap...

"A-adik..." Nurin too, shocked to see Fatin. She knows that Nurin really hates their older brother as he is addicted to drugs.

"Kak- Kakak...bunuh abang..." Fatin shakes her head in disbelief, her heart is paining and her whole body is trembling in anger...and sadness.

"Dik...bukan kakak yang jadi penyebab abang mati..." Nurin tremble in fear...fear for losing her one and only family. "KAU PENIPU!!! HABIS KENAPA PISAU ADE KAT DALAM TANGAN KAU! KAU BUNUH ABANG!!" Fatin shout in anger.

"Bukan salah kakak adik.." Nurin stands up, trying to approach her but Fatin walks backward, avoiding her sister.

Once again, they got separated but this time...they never get to see each other anymore...

End of flashback...

"Lepas seminggu, aku dapat tau yang dia orang bagi balik Fatin dekat parent kita orang. Dia orang simpan aku, jadi tahanan kat situ...sorang-sorang. Tapi parent aku tak bayar jugak hutang so along tu pon bunuh dia orang." Nurin continue.

"Fatin ade orang ambik dia anak angkat, sama jugak dengan aku tapi aku rasa macam kena beli sebab orang bayar along tu untuk dapatkan aku. Dia kaya...sangat-sangat." She sigh.

"Dia orang jaga aku baik-baik..sampai rasa benci dekat adik aku tu makin hilang tapi tak sepenuhnya. Sampai la kat sini, baru first time aku nampak dia lepas 6 tahun.." Fakhri feel so bad for Nurin and Fatin..that he couldn't find the right word to comfort her.

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