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I took the nearest bus station . Then I had to walk about five miles , but none the less I got there and it's not like Jason could go anywhere. Room 721 to the right door there was the door . Now I just need to knock on the door. Ugh, why can't I just do this? Why is it so hard? Just hand him the letter and leave it's not like you know the guy or something . Just hand him the dumb letter.
"Knock, knock "
Oh god why do I feel so bad about this? The door opened and I felt like a gasp of air being pulled off my chest.
"Who are you?" he said pointing a gun at me. Was he drunk ,the gun was moving raptly. I can't believe this. I was like is this some kind sick joke . I was so angry. I yelled " What the f*** is wrong with you? I'm Faith's sister, Eva!So take this dam letter! So I never see you again! "
I through it at him. And I just left with so much anger. Ugh! Next time Faith wants a letter delivered to her crazy boyfriend ask the postal Service or do it herself, because he's mentally insane. God,this is going to drive me insane all day. Thank god, I won't have to every deal with him again. Yeah,I really just spoke to soon because he placed down the gun and came running after me. Right as I got to the elevator door,he came. I wish he was gone I wish that I never had meet him. He said" Eva,please wait up. I'm sorry for being such an a**. "
I pushed him out of the way. And walked to his hotel room. I sat down on the crapy bed. I was waiting for him to come for him to ask me anything about that letter. He sat down and looked me and then he said" Eva is there something you want? Water or something ?"
"Okay let's get to the point. What do you want?"
"Wow, you are like your sister. Always getting to the point of stuff. Avoiding all the small talk . Becoming something your not. Trying to be brave and feeling like there's nothing wrong with you. Gosh you guys won't let anyone in will you?"
"Okay, first off that's not why.I'm here for so ask me anything about the letter. Nothing else , so say whatever you want about me. But that's not why I'm here. I'm to talk about the letter and if you have nothing to say about then I'm leaving," I got up form the bed and I was so ready to leave. I didn't want to talk him. I only did this for Faith, she is the only reason that I'm here. So leaving was going to make this so much more peaceful.Yet again he stopped me and said "Okay, you're right . Can you do me one favor? Can you read this to me, because I can't just read it without freaking out."
I took the letter , sat back down and began to read " Jason, I'm sorry for stealing your bike . Thank you for being the guy I need. There is only one thing that I need form you now. I need you take care of the girl who gave you this letter. She is the only thing that you're going to have left of me, because I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. Jason , I'm leaving to become the thing I need to become. One thing that I couldn't become there. I need you to take Eva to the Watch Tower and tell Black Canary that WildCat sent you. If you're going to try to look for me it's not going to work. I've run away before and I know how to cover my tracks. The reason that I need Eva safe is because there is the war. I need her safe and as far away as she can be form the Earth. Take care of her with Connor. Connor is her brother and she'll need him. When you guys get there keep her away form her parents. They might want to take her back, but I need her safe. Please do this one thing for me. I need her safe and a live . I need know weather I live or die. I need to know that you'll take care of them. Not just Eva , but Connor too. I have chosen to be with you is. I didn't pick you like a card. I picked you because I'm falling for you Jason. I think that I might be in love with you, but I still can't stay there. I still need to become this person that I want to be . It's not for you , it's for me. I who I need to be. Jason , take care of her. She is the only thing that's important to me right now. Take care of her Jason. Even if that means you have to work with Connor.
Goodbye with love,
Faith "
Wow I thought to myself. My sister just wants me safe and she just left the man she loved. And she had made a plan for me to be safe. She was looking after me. Even if that meant giving her life for me. Just wow, this was something different unique, and I would never share this with her. I have to go and give out the last two letters. They need to know what it says. I need to make sure that it's working out. I need to pack.So I got up ready to leave until Jason stopped . He placed his hand on top of mine and he looked me in the eyes and said "Thank you for doing that and I promise I'll take care of you. For Faith because she needs you a live. And because it's the right thing to do. So let's go and deliver the rest of those letters. Ready?"

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