Watch Tower

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It was near midnight I think when Jason finally got us yo the Watch Tower. Of course I could barley walk to the field because I was half asleep. The one time I want the power to fly. Ugh,I'm to tried to be moving into the middle of nowhere. Moving in the dark and carrying these bags. Ugh I'm so sleepy. I just want to get to the Watch Tower and go to sleep.
"Are we any closer to the Watch Tower, Jason?"
"Just a bit longer" ugh, I don't think that my feet could move another inch.
Conner saw my face and said " Jason , Eva can't move any more. Can't you call this place to pick us up or something. "
"Conner if they could just pick us anywhere than your parents could find us. I created a plan so that we could get there without anyone knowing we're there. Then we would get to Black Canary and see what she can do for us there," Jason respond. Great I thought what crazy plan could Jason have. All that matters is that we get there and that I speak to Black Canary. Other than that it doesn't matter how we get there as long we get there. Jason told us to sleep on the ground. It was to late and I was to tried to fight. I placed down my bags laying down and placing my head down. Finally I could sleep at least till the morning.
As the sun rose Jason woke us up I could hear other people around us. Jason covered my mouth telling us not to say another. He whispered " Stay here I'll be right back and keep quite. "
Yeah, yeah I said to myself Jason wasn't the quietest person I'd meet but as long as me and Conner were quite till Jason got back than we'd be fine. I heard people fall Jason must have knocked them out. As they fell on the floor Jason came back telling us to change into there clothes. Great now we become thrives. As I got dressed I heard more people coming. I thought to myself great someone's gonna see what we're doing and we're  gonna be done for. Jason pulled me with him and my bags. He hand mess hair , his shirt out of place. I didn't look great either my shirt untucked and messy hair, wow did I really just get what his doing great. Just great why don't I make myself feel like a bigger idiot.
"Ruff night I see said one of the guys," said someone behind us.
" You have no idea," Jason said.
Ugh, where's Conner I thought he couldn't have token long I mean really what does he need to do. A few minutes passed and he arrived. Then they beamed us up. It felt weird then I followed Jason and Conner was behind me. Jason took us in a room and told us to get dressed. All  of us in one room together great I thought.  I had an outfit for here along with a black mask. I placed on my crop top and navy blue short a mixer of my dad and mom. Along with silver Wonder Woman neckless and bracelets. Superman's symbol on the crop top. Beside my nails with the superman symbol, I had a sliver and navy blue eyeshadow. And the final touches being my  black mask and  black boots. They boys had their costumes on as well. We left are stuff in that room and we went looking for Black Canary. To see what safe place she could put us in. To see if I'll ever be safe form my parents. As we walked out of the room Jason tells us that we need to break up so that way we can find Canary faster. So we all broke away and I saw a the mess hall but she wasn't there. I went to ten different areas until I finally hit the training room, and there she was. She was training with the Green Arrow. I watched them it was so cool the way they fought. The back and forth motions of the kick off spins, it was just so awesome. As the Green Arrow turned her around into a lock hold she saw my face.
"Who are you?" she asked.
I couldn't speak I chocked nothing came out of my mouth great, now I must look like a complete idiot in front of this hero.
"Do I have to ask again, who are you and what are you doing here?"
" I'm..... Superkid," I couldn't think of anything. Great I thought I'm now going to only be seen as a kid forever. Never gonna get that changed now am I.
" Superkid?"
" Yes, miss. Do you mind if I have a word with you, Miss?"
"Sure," she took me to a corner of the training room "What is it kid what's wrong?"
" Do you know Faith Wayne ?" I had to ask her. If she didn't then what would have been the point of this.
"Yes, what about her she's with WildCat. I can't do anything for her. I don't know where WildCat has her hidden."
"No that's fine," a smile appeared on my face. Thinking wow she really did get out of this. " She told us to tell you that WildCat sent us. She told me that you would know what that means?"
"Where are the to guys that are suppose to be with you?"
"They went looking for you, we broke off so that way we could find you faster. "
"I'll look for them later, hurry we have to go. Your parents will be looking for you ."
"What do you mean they don't even know that I'm here."
"They knew you were here as soon as you got off Earth."
"Left Earth,what do you mean "Left Earth"?"
"Well hun they don't just call this place the WatchTower for nothin',"as she grabbed my hand I looked out at the window for the first time. Before I thought it was just nightfall, but then I took my real first look to see the sun, moon, and the star that seemed so much brighter than before. We ran right by it the boys were no where to be found Canary took me somewhere that was so quite and seemed to be no where near. They were missing and I was freaking out where could they be. I mean what could have happened to them. As she placed me in some room that seemed never to be used.
"Wait here until I come back . I have to make sure that your parents don't know your here and to find the guys. Stay here and keep out of sight, okay," then she was gone. In sat in the room in the dark. It was quite I thought it was so peaceful no one here to destroy anything. The one time I could sit and take a real breather. Then right before I could take breather someone was walking in I could hear their footsteps, I looked for a place to hide before whoever it was to find me. It was to late I couldn't hide just perfect. I couldn't hide anywhere there were no boxes or anything to hide behind. I turned my back trying to keep my cool as the door opened.
"I'm sorry," I heard, it was a man,"I didn't know anyone was in here."
"I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone used this room."
"Hum, yeah no one really uses this room. I use this room just to think. "
"I can leave if you want," trying to get out door. Hiding my face just to sneak out of the door.
"No, stay I mean you don't have to go. We can still share the room. "
As much as I wanted to leave I thought were would I go how would Canary find me or how find her.
" Are you sure?"
"Of course I mean we are both heroes here aren't we. I'm sorry how rude of me. I'm the Flash."
"Nice to meet you I'm SuperKid."
"SuperKid hum?"
"Yeah, suck under Mr.Blue's name."
"Haha, you're funny kid. I hadn't thought of it till you brought it up."
"Yeah," great Eva why don't you just say hey Superman's daughter right here come and get her.
"So SuperKid you ever gonna turn around."
Oh wow I'm so super I was still turned around and talking to him.
"Yeah, just give me a sec," breathing thinking just great face down and talk every little until Canary comes back.
"So , to or from?"
"I'm sorry I don't understand."
"Are you running to something or are you running form something?"
"Hopefully to something. I don't think that I could deal another day in my boring life."
"What's wrong with your life now?"
"That's a long story."
The door opened the boys and Canary where there. I tried to play it cool so Flash wouldn't notice.
"Are we going on a mission Canary?"
She stopped to think then said " Yeah kid come on we need to leave now."
I got up said a really quick bye and than we left the room. Trying to stay clam and walking out without anyone knowing who we where. Canary took us to where the jets where and I took deep breathers being in the air always freaked me out.
"Eva, are you okay?" Conner asked me. I had no idea how to answer him. I shook my head and he left me alone. I was always thought that being away from the ground was unnatural. Great a super afraid of being in the air just SUPER great.

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