Bruce Wayne

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Bruce Wayne, other wise known as my sister's father. She gave her life to his family. Three years she had no idea that her own brother was dead. And my mother took her away for a year. What's the matter with him? He didn't even put up a fight, he let her just take her away. Discuss grew on my face how could he just let my mother do that. My sister had no time to grieve. Wow , I never really knew what horror able things that my mother did until now. She's done so many things that have impacted on who we are. And my sister's father has token away both of my siblings powers. While I grew up with mine. It took me years to try not to break stuff. Either way I can't focus on that I just need get rid of this letter. The last one then back to the farm
to go pack. Jason knew him better than I did. It was his second father, maybe I would sit this one out. Maybe Jason could do this one. Maybe this time I wouldn't have to read the letter. And see he's reaction to it. Seeing their reaction just made everything seem so real. It made Faith seem like she was dead. Like it was suicide and these were her goodbye letters. She wasn't dead, just gone. Lost in a matter of speaking . This was just the reality that we lived in. She's gone and wants everyone safe. She knew the price of the war better than I did. She was a warrior while I was just a kid.She knew what would happen if she won or lost. She knew it better than I did. Either way I have to put that aside. We were at the manner and it looked bigger than I remembered. Jason looked at me and ask "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yeah. I've got to for Faith," yeah, that's right for Faith. I can't just sit in the car waiting for something to happen. I took a deep breath, opened the car door and I got out. I felt my feet on the gravel floor. And I walked towards to the door that felt taller now. The letter in my hand and I was frighten. Jason saw the fear in my eyes. My throat became scratchy as I swallowed my breath. Jason came form behind and rang the door bell. I could feel my guts implode. A older man came to the door and Jason walked in. I followed behind him. He call out "Bruce where are you?"
Wow he's still a little cuckoo in head. None the less Bruce
Wayne came out of his dark shadows and into the light .
"Jason,what do want?" he asked as though he were half drunk. He walked all wobbly and it also looked like he hadn't shaved in days.
"Wow, Bruce drunk I see. Did you even care to notice that your daughter's gone? Did you Bruce? She's your daughter and you didn't even care to notice she was gone,"Jason heartbreak now showed. Jason showed his true feelings. Nothing was bottled up. Yet Bruce just stood there. I pulled Jason towards me and he just began to cry on my shoulder. I never saw this coming or at least not form Jason.I sat Jason down on the couch. I stepped away form him and walked towards Bruce . I said "Here take the letter. If you're wondering it's form Faith. That's the only reason we came. She's the only reason why we came. And we'll be leaving now," I picked up Jason and we were almost have way out the door. Until Bruce said "You know I was going Faith about you four years ago. Right when she got here. Until your mother practically begged me not to."
I couldn't take it . I couldn't hear him talk about my mother like that . I felt Jason at the door and walked back with rage in each foot step. As soon as I stood straight in front of him I said " What gives you the right to say anything about me. It's not like am your daughter ," I slapped him across his face. I flipped my hair back and tidied my shirt. As walked I felt some relief in that slap it made me feel better. Like my anger all got let out by that one slap. Of course I walked Jason back to the car. I breathed the fresh air and I couldn't have felt more free. Of course it didn't take long for billionaire Bruce Wayne to ruined that. He turned me around and begged me to read him that letter. I ripped the letter out of his drunk hands. I waked back into the manner. Standing there waiting for him to address me where to sit. He waved his arm into the living room. I sat down on couch and I opened the letter. And I began to read " Father what do I have to say to you. You showed me a new light. You showed me to use my range in a different way. I have chosen to leave. And I'm not coming back. I know that you knew about Eva. And why you never told me I will never know.Either way I don't care anymore. Don't try to find me . Tell the boys that I'll miss them and the family. I'm not like you. I have no revenge quest. I need to be the person that I feel I need. I need to do this to feel free. Of course I'm aware of the cost. I know what's it going to take. And the training that's going to be involved. I'm stronger than what anyone cared to think . I'm sure you know the real reason that I can't be around Eva. The farther away I am form her the better and safer she is. If anything happens to her and I know that you're involved. I'm not going to be the sweet ,innocent, and manipulative Faith that you knew. I will become that thing that I once hated. I will become a killer, a monster, and a murder. As long as she's safe. I'm aware of what might happened to me after the war. If I live or die Eva will be safe. She will be safe and alive. She's the only one out of us two who need to live. She needs to be alive.
~ Faith"

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