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(edited 😘)
Tw: violence

Today, a Saturday, David challenged me to show my skills by beating the shit out of someone in combat, where I had to give it my all while also being aware of the potential for opponents to beat the shit out of me back.

It's been a week since I arrived here, and Gracie and I have been hanging out almost every day. Riley joins us whenever she can.

David wants to test my skills against Riley.

I'm not too worried, but I know I need to prepare for this. It's been a while since I've had a proper fight.

"I won't lie, I'm getting nervous now," I confessed to Gracie as she helped me tie my hair up into a bun.

Gracie gave me a look like I was crazy. "Girl, you've got the skills to fight. That's all you need. It's not like the entire Crimson Dolla will be watching," she reassured me.

Feeling comforted by her words, I held onto her hand resting on my shoulder. In response, she leaned her head against my back.

This is going to be exciting, I think... well, maybe. I'm just hoping Riley takes it easy on me, so I can impress the big boss.

Gracie and I left the room, heading to the far other side of the house - the training room.

The room smelt stale, as if it had been here for too long. Like bread thats been left out the bag.

In the room, Riley stood next to David, in a longing conversation. This is it.

"Aria" David greeted, Riley turned around and smiled widely at me. She skipped over to me.

"Hey, you're gonna do great alright? Don't go easy. I wont either" Riley winked. She wore a tank top and bike shorts. Her hands were strapped and she looked ready to kill. She was definately the violent twin.

Gracie handed me my own set of boxing straps the same colour as the tank top that hugged my curves. I'm pretty sure I look hot as fuck.

"Look if you win we will go out and get drunk or something okay?" Gracie whispered to me. Sounded like a really good deal.

"Aria, Riley, you will have 5 minutes. I trust that I wont see any hair pulling or anything ridiculous. Remember we are on the same team here." David informed us. He sat back and Riley and I stood in the center of the room in a fighting stance.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, fueling my every move. With a swift jab, I struck first, my fist connecting with her cheek. my hand burnt from the impact, I tried to hit her again but she blocked it, weaving faster than my attack.

Riley punched my lip, almost immediately I could taste the iron from my blood. I didn't let it distract me before I hit her back. The fight intensified, our punches and kicks intertwining in a flurry of motion.

In a sudden moment, Riley had fallen to her ass after I kicked her hard in the ribs. She tapped out and it was over.

My lungs finally hurt after the adrenaline wore off, I caught my breath. I leant over and held my weight on my knees. After a
pause, I held out my hand to help Riley up from the ground.

"Holy shit" she gasped for air in sync with me. I could hear an applause behind us coming from David and Gracie.

"Fucken good hits Riley, nearly killed me" I hugged her, drenched in sweat.


"You know, i've always wanted to get a tattoo. Never had the guts" I sat in the leather chair. The buzz of the needle drilled into my arm. It hurt but it was bareable.

Ethan just hummed next to me in response. I had been taking my sweet time juicing the fuck out of this new protection rule. Ethan called it babysitting and it's hilarious.

I decided to completely change my identity, I had my long brunette hair, cut and dyed a darker brown.

Now i'm getting a tattoo on my shoulder, a snake. To me, it signified my father, the snake that he is. Sitting on my shoulder ordering me on every life event i've ever had. To Ethan, he just wanted to get it over and done with.

I wasn't hurt by the coldness of his persona. I was practically walking him around like a dog. I loved it.

I loved having the power over something in my life, of course I would never go out of my way to make him feel crappy or weak. Only when he felt the need to be a dick is when I would put him in his place.

"Why you got a guitar for anyway?" I asked him trying to make small talk.

"Do you ever stop talking?" He grumbled. I shot him a look.

"Alright, I think you're all done here" the Artist informed us.

I stood from the chair and Ethan followed behind me like a lost puppy.

"That'll be $249 thanks" He stated.

Before I could get my money out Ethan payed for me using his card. Confused, I scrunched my nose, looking up at him with a questioning expression.

"You really wanna use all your money?" he asked me. I didn't respond, there wasn't any need to.

As we left, we walked toward the driver, having changed my entire look, I was ready for a nap.

Ethan walked alongside me about two feet away. Even when he was assigned to guard me, he still avoided me like the plague.

Tonight, Gracie was bringing Riley and I to a club in the city, she said it was to "pick up chicks". To say i'm excited would be an understatement.

Getting into the car, I sat in the chair swinging my legs back and fourth. After getting a new look, I felt hot.

"Do I look hotter now?" I turned and asked the leech beside me.

As I turned, I saw his eyes already plastered to my body, eyeing the tattoo, outfit and the new hair I had bought that day.

"You keep telling yourself that sweatpea" he scoffed and turned his head out the window.

I rolled my eyes at the scumminess, "Thanks, I will" chirpy and sarcastically saying.

Why does he treat me like this? Even before that night with the drunk men, he felt the need to push me in the hallway.

I turned away from him, i've had enough of his bullshit. Everyone else treats me so well, was he dropped on his head or something?

The car pulled up to the mansion. Everytime I saw it, it surprised me more than the last time.

The second the car had stopped I got out and stormed inside. I don't even wanna look at him anymore.


I sat in the car once more, this time I sat between Riley and Gracie. They gawked when they saw my new look. They had convinced me to wear a sexy ass red two piece dress.

Gracie wore a pink skirt and a pink bralette and Riley wore a black mini dress. We definitely looked like triple trouble.

We had taken our time getting ready, I told them about Ethan and they told me once again that I was the only one who had stood up to him, he needed that. A fucking reality check.

Ethan was actually supposed to be with me, to babysit. He nor David needed to know that we were planning on getting fucked tonight. Tonight was purely made for our enjoyment and negativity is not allowed.

Riley told Gracie and I about her interaction with Julien, Ethan's friend and a loyal gang member. He had held her hand whilst trying to get her to talk to him after an arguement. They weren't dating but they were sure hooking up.

The car had now parked outside the club.

The tension in my stomach had twisted. I'm planning to get drunk here. I'm planning on taking some hot ass photos with my new friends too. Tonight is our night and nobody is going to ruin it.




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