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Tw: Panic attack, Mature scenes 🫠

My eyes fluttered open. I can't remember the last time I slept that good.

I stretched my arms over my head. Looking around at my surroundings, I quickly noticed I wasn't in my own bed.

Fuck! I must've fallen asleep in his room!

The bed sheets were gray, different to my own plain white ones. Beside me, Ethan lay peacefully, his sleep undisturbed.

The morning sun shone a gentle ray onto his face, highlighting every detail. I couldn't help but admire how calm he was in this very moment.

As I traced the outline of his face with my eyes, I stared at the freckles that complimented his pale cheeks. It had taken weeks to get to the point that I could finally count each one.

His body lay turned towards me, his arm securely wrapped around my waist, holding me close. The feeling make me tingle, the fact that only a few days ago this would've been so much different.

I synchronized my breathing with his, finding a different type of quiet in the rise and fall of our chests. It reminded me of how much had changed in the past few weeks.

I hadn't spoken to my family in what felt like an eternity. My relationship with my father had been strained for even longer. Yet here I was, lying next to someone who had once irritated me to the point I wanted to murder him.

Slowly, Ethan's eyes fluttered open, meeting mine, revealing his honey brown eyes. He didn't say anything, but his eyes told a story.

Although we never said it out loud, I think we both knew that we didn't have to speak to tell eachother how we felt in this moment.

I couldn't help but smile, my heart swelled with different emotions. The past few weeks had been all over the place, from hating him, to not hating him, repeat.

But in this moment, we both lay in the sun under warm covers. It didn't matter if we hate eachother, we couldn't undo this.

Ethan's gaze wondered to a strand of hair that loosely hung over my face, he slowly brushed it behind my ear. His touch sent my stomach alight with butterflies. It was a simple gesture, but it held a world of meaning.

As I recognized the silence that engulfed us, I found myself wanting the break it. I wanted to tell him a million things, that he was beautiful. My voice betrayed me, holding the silence a little bit longer.

Instead, I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his. At first, I could tell he wasn't expecting it, and to be honest, neither was I.

As time seemed to slow, he smiled into the kiss, biting my lower lip. The action brought a slow moan from my throat.

This begged him to move closer to me, wrapping his fingers around my throat and rolling ontop of me, deepening the kiss further.

I pulled back for only a second, catching my breath. I felt my ears and cheeks turn a hot shade of red.

"Good morning beautiful" he whispered between kissing down my neck, finding my sweet spot.

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