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please don't hate me for this one
Tw: Violence, gore

The morning of the next day was very hard. I woke up in Riley's bed, since she insisted I spend time with her and her sister.

Their comfort was well needed, though it didn't make me feel much better. Yesterday I spent the rest of the day trying to contact Aiden. Obviously, he didn't pick up.

I knew I believed David's story, but I found it hard to believe that my brother would do that to me. One minute he was my rock, and next he was ratting me out to my family.

And now, I had to be extremely cautious when walking around in the mansion. Some of the members of the Mafia had come to the conclusion that they didn't like me anymore, I could have possibly started a war between them and the Blu Dog Mafia.

I hadn't really spoken to Ethan, but from gossip around the house I can tell he's furious.

Gracie told me that him and Harry got into a fight, something about Harry repeating the words Ethan had said on that morning after the club. That I didn't belong. Although it came from Ethan, him hearing those words again made him furious.

Last night, I had finally decided to tell the twins about what had happened with Ethan and I. Gracie, jumped up and down and swung me around in excitement. Riley was just as excited as her sister, although she warned me to be careful.

"Are you okay?" Gracie sat down beside me. She looked concerned, frowning.

"I'm okay, I think" I told her honestly, my eyes were puffy and swollen from crying so much. Though, I think I've gotten to the point where I am starting to accept it.

Riley soon walked out of their bathroom, folding a towel. "Things are going to get better, alright?" She added to her sisters confort.

Julien burst through the door, making all three of us jump. His eyes darted between Gracie, me, and Riley. He stared at Riley, dumbfounded.

My confusion turned into concern as I noticed the gun gripped tightly in his hand.

Fear forced my heart to skip a beat, not because I thought Julien would shoot us, but because the gun meant something was terribly wrong. Why would he need it otherwise?

Before we could process the situation, the sound of gunshots erupted, the echo coming from the very front of the house, where the beautiful chandelier once hung.

The sharp explosions sprung through the house, sending shockwaves of panic through our bodies.

Quickly, we jumped to our feet, feeling a strong surge of adrenaline. Gracie and Riley retrieved a gun that they had hidden between their mattress and bed frame.

Gracie handed me a spare weapon she had stashed away. Giving me a concerned look before leaving it in my hand.

As we exchanged glances, we could feel the urgency in the air, listening the the rough commotion of yells and gun shots.

We ran out of the room as one, approaching the front room. The scene was brutal.

As we stood at the top of the stairs, we observed the damage. Tiles were cracked, the chandelier was now shattered on the floor next to a pool of blood that came from a few bodies that lay on the ground. The Burning smell of gunpowder hung heavy in the air.

I looked towards the twins, their eyes scurried around the scene as mine once did.

A sudden bullet flew between the twins and I, we quickly ducked behind a table. I turned to look for Julien, but he wasn't there.

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