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Enjoy this bitches, soak it up!!
Tw: Violence, Gore

The private jet touched onto Nevada ground.

The Mafia had split into three groups. One group hunted one half of Blu Dog allies, a second group hunting the other half. The third group, my group, is going after the actual Blu Dog Mafia.

Each group had taken a different route, the first group took a train, the second group drove there along with every driver we had.

My group, Julien, Harry, Gracie, Riley, Ethan and I came to Nevada on a private jet that belonged to their Mafia.

On the way here, I thought a lot more about Aiden than I ever have before.

I didn't think about it much till now, but he was very sneaky. He kept secrets from everyone, as if he only trusted himself.

Till this day, I still don't know how Aiden knew about the Crimson Dolla Mafia.

I knew he didn't travel much, he didn't like to be so far from Nevada, our birth state.

But how else would he have known this Mafia even existed? Like, I know that the Blu Dog Mafia only have one connection in California, being a small group of French men.

I could ask Gracie and Riley later, right now, they sat in the seat infront of me. The both of them have never looked so unalive.

Gracie was never this quiet, on the other hand, Riley hadn't even looked at her phone for more than a few seconds.

It seemed as though both of them were eating themselves up on the inside. I don't blame them.

Being back in Nevada is comforting. Sure I ran from here hoping to never come back, but here I was.

I just hope that we do this safely, the Crimson Dolla Mafia has no idea what type of people live around here.

I can tell that Julien is trying to hold everything together. Yesterday, he didn't hesitate to command the gang into a battle, and nobody really argued either. I feel that Julien would eventually make a good leader, that's what this gang needs.

Although, it seemed like Julien trusts me a lot less than before all of this happened, before David held that meeting.

"Are we ready?" Harry walked down the aisle, holding onto chairs as he walked past.

I subtly looked back at the two girls, who were most definately not ready.

"Yeah" Gracie finally replied nonchalantly, she grabbed her sisters hand and they stood up in unison.

As we stood outside of the jet, Julien walked up to me, Ethan stood beside him.

"Can we talk?" Julien asked in a hushed tone. Ethan eyed me up and down with attitude, what's his issue?

I took a quick glance at my friends, they were both talking to Harry, so I quickly nodded at the two boys.

Without hesitation, they dragged me to the other side of the jet.

"How much information can you give us on Jack and Chris?" He asked, using his hands to explain.

The Blu dog mafia used to be the biggest most powerful Mafia in Nevada, but ever since my grandfather passed and my father took over, many left, or died.

There were 7 people in total of the Blu Dog Mafia. Two were already dead, being Lucas and his father, leaving 5 people.

Obviously, my family took most of the positions in this gang, father, mother and Aiden were the three that Julien and the rest of the Crimson Dolla Mafia agreed to take out last.

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