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Tw: violence

The morning didn't go well. First, I was hungover from last night. Second, I needed to talk to David about what happened with everyone the night prior.

Although I felt better than last night, I still had a lot of anger towards Ethan. He had helped me calm down during a panic attack, but he still managed to piss me off.

I sat in David's office, Gracie sat beside me and Riley stood between us. Ethan leaned against the door in front of me, while Harry stood next to him. Julien was absent.

Harry had just explained that there was a man looking for an Aria Davis near the club, a few streets away. I can't believe that they couldn't tell me at the time.

"So we came inside and told the girls to leave," Harry recounted, his tiredness evident from the bags under his eyes.

Ethan avoided making eye contact with me, likely due to what happened last night.

Thankfully, David didn't question why we had left last night without telling him.

"What happened to him?" David asked further questions.

"I don't know, we just left" Harry replied.

"Do you think he caught on?"  David continued. The Mafia could be at stake.

"This is fucking stupid" Ethan interrupted. My eyes shot up at him.

"We are putting ourselves at risk by helping her! We don't have to, Aiden can piss off if he thinks we're going through this shit for him" Ethan raised his voice.

I clenched my fists and abruptly rose from my chair, leaning my hands on the table.

"Don't talk about my brother!" I shouted at him, my anger boiling over. How dare he.

"I wouldn't have to talk about your brother if you weren't fucking here!" he yelled back, fuming towards the table and leaning his arms on it as well.

"Hey, back off!" Riley stood beside me, trying to defuse the situation.

"Everyone just calm down!" Harry shouted at Riley, clearly struggling to control his own anger.

Ethan rudely pushed himself away from the table and stormed out of the room, slamming the door very hard.

I looked back toward Gracie, she held the bridge of her nose. David only sighed.

"Go calm him down Harry." he instructed. Harry quickly left.

"I apologise for his behavior, he should not be talking about Aiden that way." David excused him. I sat back down in my seat followed by Riley.

"I will send another few pairs out to search for anything. Other than that, please keep a low profile. We will protect you."

And with that, we were dismissed.


It had been a day since we had talked to David. Today was a monday, meaning it was my first shift at the Bikers Cafe.

Gracie dropped me off there. Since it was late in the afternoon, the shop wasn't very busy.

As I entered the cafe, Miles was the only one there.

He greeted me with a big smile, exclaiming, "Good afternoon, beautiful!"

Then, he motioned for me to come behind the counter and handed me an apron.

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