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Do you truly understand what psychopaths and Sociopaths are?

Psychopathy and sociopathy are personality disorders, not mental illnesses, which makes understanding their causes more challenging.

Personality disorders are a specific subset of mental health conditions characterized by enduring patterns of behavior, while mental illnesses encompass a wider range of conditions that affect a person's mental well-being.

People with personality disorders may appear functional in public due to coping mechanisms, while individuals with severe mental illnesses, like psychotic disorders, may experience disruptive symptoms like hallucinations; making it challenging to communicate with them.

(A/N: Psychotic disorders are a type of mental disorder, not a personality disorder.)

In summary, psychopaths or sociopaths don't necessarily have an inherent desire to take someone else's life.

Yet, People may kill due to tough circumstances. For example... In a war.

As a soldier, I found myself questioning the nature of killing on the battlefield. Observing the lifeless surroundings, with both enemies and comrades fallen, I couldn't help but ponder the purpose of this war.

Was it truly for my country, or was there a darker motive behind it all?

The commander's intentions seemed questionable, especially when peaceful resolutions were discarded in favor of genocide. It made me doubt whether he genuinely sought harmony or whether he concealed a sociopathic nature deep within.

Amidst the silence of the warzone, I grappled with the ethical implications of taking someone else's life, even in the name of duty.

Amidst the aftermath of the battle, I stood, shocked to find myself missing an arm, surrounded by fallen comrades. Suddenly, a voice broke through the silence, addressing me with curiosity.

"So, Human, what is it that you desire with those murky eyes?" The voice questioned, seemingly unbothered by the surrounding devastation.

Confused, I turned to look at the speaker. He appeared to be dressed like a noble, exuding an air of elegance and composure. His calm demeanor contrasted with the chaos around us as he approached me with a smile.

Despite the bizarre circumstances of encountering a man with medieval tastes, clean and untouched amidst the dust and blood, I felt an inexplicable urge to respond to his inquiry.

"What... I desire? Looking at my state, won't you know that already?" I retorted, finding it absurd to answer a question with another question.

To my surprise, the mysterious figure replied, "Well, I figured it was some sort of 'Salvation'."

Salvation? The very idea seemed preposterous to me. Why would I seek salvation when my heart harbored nothing but hatred for the world? After this war, perhaps the world would have had enough, and peace treaties would be signed just due to exhaustion, with no true resolution.

My loathing extended to enemy nations, my own country, the world, and even humanity itself. I acknowledged that these feelings may appear childish, but I couldn't help it. If I were given a button to bring an end to humanity at this moment, I wouldn't hesitate to push it without a second thought.

The mysterious figure seemed to read my thoughts and responded, "So it's not salvation, then... Destruction. Is that really what you wanted?"

Feeling weary and drained, I questioned the purpose of these probing inquiries. Despite the absence of pain from my wounded arm, these questions unsettled me, adding to the strangeness of the situation.

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