Intermission: Kakashi Hatake

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This morning...

"Oh no!" I tripped over nothing and instinctively caught hold of Lord Danzo's shoulder to steady myself.

As anticipated, his suspicion grew, yet... "My sincere apologies, Danzo-sama." I hold my head sheepishly.




During the evening, Shisui had been spotted in the forest on the village outskirts.

Today marked the moment when Shisui Uchiha would employ his ocular technique on the senior Uchiha member.

As he made his way to the compound, he encountered a familiar figure. The man, Danzo Shimura, had shaggy black hair that fell over his face, partially obscuring a concealed Sharingan beneath a bandage over his right eye.

Curious about the interruption, Shisui inquired, "Lord Danzo, is there something you need? The assembly is set to begin soon."

Danzo initiated the conversation with a thought-provoking question, "Even if you employ your eye techniques on the Uchiha clan head to garner their cooperation, what assurance is there that the Village will truly change?"

Shisui became aware of the topic at hand, responding, "Lord Hokage has made a commitment to bring about change."

Danzo, however, cast doubt on the effectiveness, stating, "Even if the Third Hokage is content, the underlying mistrust within the Leaf won't dissipate."

Shisui acknowledged the statement, saying, "I understand that, but over time..."

Danzo remained skeptical, asserting, "Moreover, someone inherently suspicious like myself is unlikely to change. How will you address that?"

Shisui began to feel uneasy about the direction of the conversation.

"Well, that's---" Again, Danzo interrupted him,

"When the time comes, will you use your Kotoamatsukami on me too?"

In a sudden turn of events, his eyes widened in shock, exclaiming, "I shall take your Sharingan!"

Danzo lunged forward with evident malice, his intentions clear as he closed in on Shisui's eyes.

Although taken aback, Shisui's heightened perception through the Sharingan allowed him to remain composed as he assessed the unfolding threat.

Contemplating using his ocular abilities to ensnare Danzo in an illusion and thwart his advance, Shisui's plan was abruptly interrupted.


A faint chirp pierced the air, and the sequence of events unfolded in a blur.

Shisui and Danzo quickly grasped the situation, their instincts kicking in.

In an almost imperceptible instant, the melodious song of a thousand birds resonated, creating an otherworldly echo.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a hand enveloped in crackling lightning materialized between them.

In that decisive moment, I emerged onto the scene, brandishing my lightning blade with precision, targeting Danzo's outstretched hand.

Danzo quickly retreated, his steps taking him a few paces away from us before he turned his gaze in my direction.

"Kakashi-senpai!?" Shisui exclaimed.

"Kakashi Hatake... What an unexpected surprise," he remarked, masking his astonishment with a calm demeanor.

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