The Time Skip

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(A/N: Curious to read ahead? Get early access to chapters by visiting my Patreon. You'll find 5 chapters ahead of what's posted on Patreōn: door_kun )


"Is this recording?"

The video showcased an extraordinary idol with captivating eyes, displaying a gradient from purple to pink, each adorned with a shimmering six-pointed star.

Curiosity naturally arose about the reasons behind this intense reaction.

Radiating her timeless charisma, she stood as one of the most accomplished idols of recent years, having performed numerous times at the Tokyo Dome over the past four years.

Yet, in this moment...

"It has been over a decade since I embarked on this journey as an idol... This path has been a remarkable odyssey, brimming with indelible moments, happiness, and the forging of connections with all of you. Throughout these years, you've been my wellspring of strength and the well of my inspiration. For this, my gratitude knows no bounds."

Naturally, those words followed a script, but soon, this wouldn't be the sole astonishment gripping all the fans. The instant those words escaped her lips, they intuitively grasped the subjects of her discourse.

"Life is about growing and changing. I love performing for you, but it's time to try new things, challenge myself, and find myself beyond being an idol. This decision wasn't easy. I thought a lot, talked to loved ones, and considered everything. I'll always cherish the time with you."

Retirement, the most feared outcome in entertainment. In this world, age is a tough opponent. It starts a clock, changing looks and energy. The industry loves youth, making the fight against getting older harder. Adapting is key to staying important.

Ai's achievements were impressive. But fame can be scary. Non-stop attention, public hopes, and keeping up an image can hurt who you are and how you feel. Also, fame can bring bad attention, jealousy, and exploitation. Being scared of losing control over life, relationships, and normalcy adds to fame's unsettling parts.

Due to this fear, Ai declined offers for international performances, even though she had performed in Japan and other countries; her preference was for performances in Japan. Rather than pursuing further fame, her greatest aspiration was to perform at the Tokyo Dome.

This dream was shared by her, her manager, and Miyako-san. Although she had also been more involved in acting in recent years, it was astonishing that everything had culminated to this point after a decade.

"I owe my journey as an idol to the unwavering support of my fans, fellow members, agency, and all who had faith in me. And a special acknowledgment goes to those I've cherished since the pinnacle of my life... My triplets!"

Though, she was about to dominate the trending charts, whether she was prepared for it or not.

Finally, a bashful young girl joined the scene. Her appearance echoed Ai's, resembling a miniaturized version of her.

Clutching a teddy bear tightly, she stammered, "I-I'm Amethyst Hoshino... It's nice to meet you..." There was an odd aura about her that invoked a natural instinct in others to protect her.

"Well, surprise~!!! Now all of you know~!"

Radiating the most expansive grin ever witnessed, the Idol mother's eyes shimmered like the most luminous stars, exerting a magnetic pull that drew everyone near, akin to moths instinctively gravitating towards light.

A portion of the audience found themselves captivated by the sight of the star embracing her children, her mere presence dissolving any animosities harbored within them, causing their past grudges to fade into oblivion.

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