Psychopath's Battlefield (1)

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(A/N: Curious to read ahead? Get early access to chapters by visiting my Patreon. You'll find 5 chapters ahead of what's posted on Patreōn: door_kun )


Shadow clones exhibit remarkable versatility. Once created, these clones develop distinct personalities and are capable of emulating all your actions. Comprising fifty percent of your chakra, they essentially represent a fragment of your soul.

But let's move on from that recap...

Greetings, everyone~ I am a clone of Amethyst Hoshino. Feel free to refer to me as Ame! After all, I am still Ame.

Currently, shadow clones have no fixed range limitations. Presently, I've managed to infiltrate an airplane excursion for a spin.

To begin, I accessed the ticket holder's information, then knocked out a guy who was traveling solo. And finally, using a transformation technique that I learned by watching the Naruto Anime, I adeptly assumed their identity and successfully embarked on the flight. Easy, isn't it?

Does that make any sense?



But hey, it's the first class. And don't worry, I stuffed the guy's undergarments with money before I took his identity.

After I've done the job well, I'll just go poof like I usually do. But before that, "May I have a coffee, please?"

I shall enjoy myself on my short vacation.




(A/N: Just to clarify, NO, MC's world has no other anime mixed in it. All characters except oshinoko canons are made up.)



-London, England 20XX-

Two men clad in black attire stand by their sleek black Porsche, appearing to await someone's arrival.

Their outfits consist entirely of black garments, from head to toe, including a fedora-topped head and black attire paired with matching shoes.

The first individual boasts a tall, bald physique, while the second is slender and shorter, with brown hair peeking from beneath his fedora.

As the anticipation builds, another figure emerges into view. A highly recognizable presence, with bright blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and the distinctive fur coat that defines his style. It is none other than Hikaru Kamiki.

"You guys mentioned waiting near Big Ben... But seriously, what kind of mafia just stands there, appearing so suspicious without a care for the world?" With a calm smile, he approaches, his eyes displaying the identical black stars as mine.


Where am I, you ask?

Well, I'm over here~ try to look up.

Hey there~

I'm relaxing atop the tallest part of London's Big Ben, and if caught, my charming response would be, "✨I'm searching for my daddy!✨"

Using my magic perception, I tuned into their distant dialogue.

"Quit fooling around, newcomer, if you want to be part of our group," bellowed the tall, black-clad man, his voice resounding through the crowd, oblivious to the tourists and passersby. Anger etched across his face, hidden behind black sunglasses.

The slender man silenced him with a furious retort, "Shut up, you imbecile."


His response effectively silenced the tall man.

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