Intermission: Aquamarine Hoshino (1)

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-Aquamarine Hoshino's POV-

Two years have gone by, and during that time, Ai's job offers increased significantly. While it's unclear if that was the main factor, she has now become the rising success, an idol with incredible sales. Remarkably, it's been three years since we, the triplets, were reincarnated as Ai's children.

As we continue to live peacefully away from the public eye, there's been an interesting development: we've entered school, and now we're kindergarteners.

Ame's past as a soldier makes her mature beyond her age, but when I asked Ruby about her past life's age, she refused to answer, "I-I'm a full-grown lady! You should know it's bad manners to ask for a lady's age you brat!" she stated thus and continued, "Plus, the past is irrelevant! Don't meddle with unnecessary stuff, will you!"

However, Ruby's right; dwelling on the past is irrelevant. We should focus on our blissful preschooler's life, where we can simply enjoy eating, sleeping, and reading random books without worries.

I'm thoroughly enjoying my current life, but I must admit, I'm astonished by how earnestly Ruby engages with these toys.

As for Ame...

"That child is reading Dazai Osamu's work...?" exclaimed a teacher, her face showing concern, as she observed Ame engrossed in such a profound and melancholic book.

That's the book called "No Longer Human."

Uwaa... I'm seriously reconsidering not getting her therapy...

It's quite unsettling to see a cute little girl, who was once a veteran soldier, reading a book about a man attempting suicide with his lovers. I genuinely hope she doesn't develop suicidal thoughts...

"Hmm... Breathing is fun," she unexpectedly looks up from her book and says those words...

I can't help but feel extremely creeped out by that...

Ame's financial skills have been nothing short of remarkable; since she got her laptop, investing has become her primary job. However, there have been some questionable actions she took...

Strangely enough, her investment endeavors proved highly profitable, but they were so suspicious that we had to attribute her "investing job" to Miyako-san's accomplishments. Thanks to Ame's success, the company now boasts ample funds, allowing us to address all our needs and expenses seamlessly.

Ame believes that facing a gun could help her with her trauma, even though the reasons are unclear.

To avoid any distressing reactions, we bought her a toy gun. Our aim is to provide her comfort and a safe space to deal with her past experiences. She has never been so calm before that.

Ruby, on the other hand...

She learned how to dance "If you keep being scared of falling, you're only gonna fall more." (Ai)

Her dancing skills and the admiration she received from her mother... I couldn't help but imagine something awe-inspiring.

Tomorrow, Ai will be turning 20, and as a successful idol with over a million followers, she now has the opportunity to perform at the prestigious Tokyo Dome.

Unlike other venues, securing a spot at the Tokyo Dome requires collaboration with specialized companies and significant time and effort. It's not just about money; it's a stage reserved for a select few artists, and performing there is a dream come true for many.

Or so, that's what Miyako-san told me.

As we had enough money, we all decided to move to a new house. Everything seemed fine until something strange occurred.

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