Hunting Dogs

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I reassembled my laptop on the same roof. However, this time I didn't use the original casing or screen. Instead, I connected a backup monitor and a mechanical keyboard.

I now have a setup where the keyboard is connected directly to the exposed motherboard and GPU fan via USB, and this is all linked to a portable monitor in front of me.

Currently, I am attempting to access my colleague's computer. Upon activating his camera, I discovered that he is in the process of being apprehended.

"Please, I surrender! My hands are raised!! Please, don't shoot!"

I observed him raising his hands while seated in his gaming chair, law enforcement officers aiming rifles and pistols at him. Subsequently, an individual in a brown suit entered the scene.

"We've arrived to engage in discussions, Yamamoto-san... Given your association with the infamous Necro, we're requesting your assistance in establishing a connection with him," the agent explained. I noticed he has glasses now.

"I-I don't know who that is—"

Just after he tried to protect my information, the man in the suit suddenly pulled a pistol and pulled the trigger as he pointed it upwards, causing fragments of concrete and dust from the rooftop of my colleague's apartment to scatter.

"YES! OKAY! J-just... Spare me, please!" The money launderer's panic intensified with each passing second.

The agents once again pried his mouth open and said, "We apologize for the intrusion, but we needed your attention. The PSIA views Necro as a potential asset and, since you have a connection, we've come to you. You have two options."

"O-options?" stammered the money launderer.

"You can face charges for money laundering, battery, and blackmail," the agents explained. "Alternatively, if you cooperate with us, not only will you receive employment, but your criminal record will also be expunged. Please choose wisely."

With that, one of the agents took out a phone and handed it to the hesitant Yamamoto, showing it turned on with a voice call app.


Yamamoto... You're dead to me.

*Ring ring*

I retrieved the vintage flip phone I had purchased just days earlier, intending to use it for communication with the money launderer.

Upon flipping it open and placing it next to my ear, I was greeted by his anxious voice. "H-hey there! Necro-san! Uh, it's been quite some time, huh?"

When I invoked my magic perception, my once childish and high-pitched voice morphed into that of a cold-hearted middle-aged man. "You're rather disappointing, Yamamoto," I remarked, causing everyone in the room to widen their eyes. The phone's speaker broadcasted my voice, allowing everyone to listen in.

"Wh-what are you implying? I haven't said anything, you know. I'm simply reaching out to discuss matters with our new client, Necro-san—"

Interrupting once more, I interjected, "You still haven't grasped the situation, have you?" With a tap of my keyboard, a small camera light next to Yamamoto's laptop illuminated, making it evident that the laptop camera had been activated from their end.

They finally comprehended the unfolding situation. The agent standing adjacent to Yamamoto interjected, "Greetings, Necro-san. I am—"

"You're associated with the PSIA, am I correct?"

Devoid of any visible emotion, he momentarily paused during his speech, then continued, "Indeed, your recognition of me as Necro is accurate... However, it seems there's a minor misunderstanding."

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