Getting Along (Literally)

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«Report: Area scan has been completed»

In an audacious move, I compelled the Great Sage to stretch the limits of its magical prowess, commanding it to unleash its Magic Sense in a sweeping scan that enveloped the entire expanse before us.

Usually, using Acceleration or magic sense too much can have bad effects. My mom and siblings were also worried that maybe I ate too many sweets to make up for my brain working too hard because of the overuse.

Imagine having an assistant without needing a physical brain – that's when the possibilities really open up. Since the Great Sage is the one using my Thought Acceleration and Sense, getting information becomes a breeze.

And there it was, a triumphant discovery escaping my lips, shared with Kakashi who stood at my side. His response came with a hint of nonchalance, "Well, isn't that conveniently timed."

As our journey pressed on, we encountered adversaries strewn across our path. Amongst the rabble posing as mere bandits, a curious sight emerged – figures adorned with attire reminiscent of both samurais and ronins, warriors without allegiance who had succumbed to the life of banditry.

"D-damnit!!" Expletives filled the air as we engaged in skirmishes, toppling some of these foes while subduing one. Bound and immobilized, he spat curses at us, a captive audience. His wrists were firmly secured to a gnarled stump, a silent testament to our triumph over his ill-intentioned pursuits.

"Now we just need to interrogate them," Kakashi's words were cut short by my interruption.

"No need for that. How about we use this instead?" I posed the question to him.

"Use what?" he inquired.

"That very thing – Kotoamatsukami. In theory, after you handed over your eye, you lost Obito's eye, but the abilities persisted due to Universal Affinity. You couldn't use it then, lacking a sharingan. However, with Shisui's eye implanted, Kamui and Kotoamatsukami intertwined. It's all thanks to Universal Affinity. Wasn't that your thought when you exchanged eyes with Shisui?"

He affirmed my deduction, "... Yes, that was my intention initially. But Kotoamatsukami is..."

"An ability to reshape memories, indeed. Yet, wouldn't that allow you to peer into the target's memories?" I stated thus.

My words made Kakashi flinch momentarily.

The truth was, Kotoamatsukami could probe another's soul and manipulate their memories. If this skill were to be integrated into my system, its subskill name might well be "Soul Manipulation," more than a mere "Mind Control."

"Indeed," he acknowledged with a nod.

With his Sharingan now manageable thanks to Universal Affinity, concealing them behind a headband was unnecessary.

In an instant, his eye whirled, creating an intricate chain-like design.

He grasped the hostage before him, compelling their gaze to meet. Their eyes locked in a tense exchange. While trepidation dominated the hostage's expression, Kakashi's feelings remained veiled behind his mask.

And so, he initiated the visual Jutsu.

After mere seconds, the man crumpled to the ground.

"Urk--!" Kakashi nearly stumbled as the technique concluded.

"Excellent work. Please, indulge in something sweet. It aids in relieving stress. Utilizing this method appears to be rather taxing," I proffered a hand and a bar of chocolate.

«Report: The aftermath mirrors that of Thought Acceleration and Magic Sense. Overloading the brain with excessive information might divert blood circulation from vital functions, leading to forgotten reflexes.» Great Sage reported her analysis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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