Getting Along (Kind of)

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Amidst the tranquil silence, a distant rumble began to crescendo, as thunder found its voice in the vast expanse. Its roar echoed through the cavern, a reminder of nature's raw power.

Nestled within the cave's embrace, rain's fingers danced through the rocky entrance, scenting the air with earthy freshness. Droplets cascaded gently, a reminder of the cave's sanctuary amid the tempest.

While outside succumbed, inside was refuge; the ground firm, water persistent yet gentle. Here, nature's fury and tranquility met, a symphony of rain and thunder witnessed without drenching.


The piercing cry of a particular Star Plasma Vessel reverberated through the cavern.


Her clothes ended up getting a little wet, but fortunately, she stumbled upon shelter within a cave she had never encountered before.

"Ugh... The transport was so crappy..." sighed Riko Amanai. Ignoring her white and blue school sailor uniform, she had thrown on a pink jacket over it, though it proved inadequate against the pouring rain, leaving her thoroughly soaked.

But... Whilst squashing the soaked skirt with her hand, she suddenly heard another voice behind him.

"Um... Miss, I can help you with that, if you want to?"

"Uhm-? Who!?" Riko spun around swiftly, puzzled by the unexpected voice. She scanned left and right, even peering upwards, yet the source of the voice remained a mystery. But just as her confusion deepened, it was only when she looked downward...


A sight to remember unfolded before her. There, in a mesmerizing silver-blue jiggly form, was the very creature that had spoken. Riko knew this was an encounter she wouldn't soon forget.

"A slime?"

"Mu? You got some problem with slimes?"


With Ame and Kakashi...

"Why didn't you believe me?"

"Well... Uhm... How old are you?"

Even with the rain pouring down, both the Ninja and the Admin managed to stay as neat as a pin. They were chilling side by side under a tree, and a faint purple barrier surrounded them, shielding them from the heavy downpour.


"I'm 13." (Ame)

"Yeah that's not possible." (Kakashi)

"You're free to be wrong." (Ame)

"..." (Kakashi)

Their dialogue unfolds, devoid of many emotions exchanged between them.

And then, out of the blue, Kakashi chimes in, adopting a firm and serious tone.

"Well, based on the way you've been talking, I actually thought you were at least an adult. But now you're telling me you're just 13? We've been in this group chat for 7 years. So, are you trying to say that you were only 5 years old when we first started talking? I mean, are you seriously asking me to believe that?"

"I don't desire to sit down and correct you."

One might not notice it, but a subtle tension hung in the air between them.

However, Kakashi promptly dispelled the stiffness. He brushed away the frown that had formed and delved straight into asking the precise question he had in mind.

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