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-Kakashi Hatake's POV-

Several months have passed since I acquired this gleaming device known as a smartphone.

Since being bestowed with "Universal Affinity" by the "admin," my left eye's sharingan feels remarkably tamed, which requires minimal chakra consumption and enables me to execute techniques without hand seals.

These newfound abilities make me question the validity of the admin's words. Is it true that Itachi will massacre his own clansmen, and will Danzo really target Shisui's life?

But again, I still didn't know when everything would happen. If only the admin weren't that stingy with information... Should I bet on it? Maybe... I could sell the sharingan for more info?


As I thought about this, I opened up my smartphone and accessed the group chat. I am currently in the ANBU headquarters; I had some time to...

[Star Plasma Vessel: @Ex-Veteran Ame-saaaaaaan please help meeeeee!]

[Attachment: 0909078000.jpg]

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): Riko-chan, I sell and help you guys with information and skill-sharing... Why are you asking me to help you with your math homework?]

[Star Plasma Vessel: Because it's too hard!]

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): No, it's not. That's just multiplication... You should have been memorizing the multiplication table, shouldn't you?]

[Star Plasma Vessel: I did! But I can't remember! Kuroi-san banned me from using my notes! 😒]

This interaction left me quite surprised... Multiplication? Seriously? I'm curious, what is Star Plasma Vessel's age?

That being said, do they not know that this device has a built-in calculator?

With my curiosity piqued, I decided to type in...

[Copy Ninja: How did she even allow you to use this smartphone then? This thing has a calculator, you know that?]

[Star Plasmas Vessel: REALLY!?? THANKS NINJA-SAN! 🥷]

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): Bravo, Kakashi. Bravo.]

Ah... Am I to blame for this?

I suppose this implies that we have a young member in our group. Not to mention, multiplication? We learn that at the age of five...

Yearning to ask more questions, I was interrupted by the admin's unexpected message.

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): How is your plan progressing? What do you intend to do about Danzo?]

To my surprise, the admin brought up the topic before I could mention it.

[Copy Ninja: What are your thoughts on the matter?]

I inquired immediately, but they just echoed my question back.

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): My thoughts? Not much, really. Why do you ask?]

...This guy is starting to annoy me.


[Copy Ninja: I'll compensate you, so spill the details.]

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): You're no fun...]


[Ex-Veteran (Admin): You mentioned being 19, right? Is your birthday approaching?]

[Copy Ninja: Why does that matter? But yes, it's coming up soon.]

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): Then the time is near. The Uchiha Clan will start harboring hatred towards your Village, and they will stage a coup. Shisui holds the key to maintaining peace. You must protect Shisui at all costs.]

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