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-a few days later-

We're in trouble.

After the project was completed, Mom didn't receive much screen time. The reason behind this was Ai's remarkable performance, which overshadowed even the main character in the series, disrupting the delicate balance.

Naturally, Aqua couldn't accept this outcome, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He used the business card he had acquired from the director and reached out to him for a conversation.

"Hey, Director! You didn't use Ai at all!" The moment the dialed party took the phone, Aqua exclaimed.

It was answered calmly by the director, "Oh that? Yeah, it came out great. It's a real shame."

"Then why!??" (Aqua)

"The production company is promoting the lead actress as 'too cute to handle.' So, what happens if somebody who's cuter is in the same frame? In terms of image strategy, that's a problem. Ai was too cute for that scene" The director explained thus.

"So the higher ups asked for some changes they shaved down her appearances to the bone during editing." (Director)

"What the heck?" (Aqua)

"The power balance between companies tends to determine the amount of screen time. Think of it as an unfortunate accident." (Director)

"I can't settle for that..."

During the discussion, a few arguments were thrown in, but then the director himself had an idea:

"This won't exactly make up for it, but...I'd like to send a job Ai's way, but on one condition, though: You have to be in it."

-flashback ends-

The conversation went exactly like that, but I truly can't comprehend how I ended up in this situation.

"AQUA! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" I exclaimed, my words dripping with anger.

Currently, we find ourselves in a secluded and remote location designated for the filming of the movie. Within the confines of a private tent, Aqua, myself, and the director engage in what can best be described as an intense "discussion."

Somehow, Aqua managed to contact the director, Gotanda Taishi, and got our mom a job... But this whole situation is still utterly unbelievable!

"Well, you see... Your brother sold you out," Director Gotanda Taishi said, his shoulder-length brown hair swaying as he lifted me up like a pet caught in his grasp.

"I already know that without you telling me!" I hissed back at him like an angry cat, while Aqua nervously watched from below.

The room had only the three of us. We were discussing acting when suddenly the topic of me being in the movie came up.

Aqua said, "I told him you can act better than me, so please bear with it since we need Ai to get the role."

"Then YOU do it, you blue-eyed white dragon brat!!" I raged, while making a reference to a certain card game from my previous life.

"Hmmm..." The director set me down after a few scratches from my nails. With an unimpressed face despite the scratch marks, he voiced his thoughts in a disappointed tone, "Oi, prodigy... I haven't exactly seen her in action, so I can't really judge properly. Rather... I'd rather you be in it, seriously."

And with that, he made his decision.

Aqua wore a frown, asking, "You haven't seen her yet, so shouldn't she get a chance?"

"Well, do you think she wants to have the chance?" That silenced him.

And finally, with a reluctant sigh, he said, "Haa, fine... But remember, if things don't go as planned, it's not my fault."

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