Dream me Avalon

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Dream me Avalon

© July 23rd 2023, Olan L. Smith

Who sits and compares dreams? Are there clubs for such things?

Am I their king and you their queen? Walk in sweet nectar

Of Morpheus, and rest our heads upon nebulas; stars line walls

Are we mere buoys for comfort, or did we dream about each other? Are you me,

Dreaming you into existence? Count the days of eternity.

Breathing light from a million suns; removing the darkness

Clouding every thought, you're our architect; dream us, Avalon.

Morpheus is our king, and you are our queen. Walk in sweet nectars,

And retain the joys of life. Visions wall our soul's hull to guide us;

They're buoys of comfort. Did we dream each other; are you me?

The helmsman triumphs through the storm; the captain stands tall.

Oh, Morpheus; rest our heads upon nebulas, and line our hull with stars,

Meanwhile, we breathe light from millions of suns to remove emptiness.

Who sits and compares dreams? Shall we start societies for such things?

Retain the joys of life's visions, and wall our soul's hull to guide us;

We live within the membranes of the universe, confined.

Foretokens mark our way. Darkness's vast voids between worlds,

Where we define ourselves amid one existence to the next.

Oh, Morpheus where's our respite? There exist ingresses without end.

We wander in vastness of nothingness, to find visions undreamt.

Oh LORD, dream us into Sion. Give us the tranquility we desire.

We live evermore, within membranes of the universe, in confinement

Where vast prisons are boundless, here we can explore expanses.

Where, we define ourselves from one existence to another, and

We never remember prior — each is new — each eternal;

Foretokens mark our paths in the emptiness, with dark oceans between.

Shout the Universe; own your way within eternal travels; enlighten us!

Retain the joys, of each life's visions, and wall our soul's hull with guidance.

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