Acrostic: A Sensitive

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Acrostic: A Sensitive

© July 3, 2024, Olan L. Smith

A spirit whirls me as I float a foot above my bed.

She smiles and spins me faster. She messes with my mortal coil. It

Escapes the body and tries to spread its butterfly wings and fly into

Nether realms, far from earthly bounds. I spread out my wings to reach

Spheres unknown to mortals, but a sprite is amused and

Interferes with my brain. She laughs at my punny attempt to shed my

Temporal-cocoon. My hands pass through the brass; she

Interferes with me! Determined I confront her. With might I muster

Virtually, and land toe-to-toe with a ghost—no, an angel. We

Embrace, our lips interlock with passion—I've known her for an eternity. 

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