Prosperity on St. Patrick's Day

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Prosperity on St. Patrick's Day

© 03-17-24, Olan L. Smith

Ta, it is a wonderful day to be Irish. May we all claim a bit of DNA

worthy of the magicfolk and fairies that grace our imaginations.

To spring forth golden rainbows and charms made by the Fae,

the wee folk we chase into the forest, the hope of our affirmations.

To Oberon! Dance, be of good cheer, and let sadness be washed away.

Set ablaze the magic wand to tickle your nose to destinations.

We be not wicked; we want only what is ours by all calculations.

A tip of the hat to you. Wink and deport to safety on St. Patty's Day.

It is in my blood, down to my marrow. Be me Irish; there's no fear

Of magic. The lad behind a bar is turning my ale emerald green.

Starlight is under the canopy as the Faefolk vanish until next year.

And me still chasing lasses in the woods; my eyes are a golden sheen.

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