Joyousness is Fulfilling

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Joyousness is Fulfilling

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Joyousness is Fulfilling

© October 12, 2023, Olan L. Smith

Come to us upon the wings of a dreamer's cusp.

Lighten our souls to pinnacles we desire to grasp,

Where guides lift us to blazing vividness,

Changes evil to good, sorrow to joy. Make our

Goal: the ethics of tomorrow, alive in nowness.

A moment where war is passé, where death

Is not visited upon us before our time, and

Others will not force their will on us with greed.

Find providence in yourself. Do not insist on your

Own way, for peace, comes not upon the wings

Of greediness. It comes from the heart of goodness,

And not on the feathers of a fool's paradise.

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