When We Are Gone
© 04-10-2023, Olan L. Smith
Cut us down and shave our bark.
Make lumber for your domiciles;
Erect a house in sister trees, an
Amusement for your children's mark,
They grow weary. You have no ethics,
Kill us for little thought,
So, our long-lived lives are cut short.
Our countless stumps, relics,
And the roots you rip from the soil apply
Harming a network of souls, the rustling
Leaves are left to quake in the breeze,
But the storms draw near.
Kill us if you please, and when we depart
from the earth; you will die for lack
Of air, and the methane gases bubble
Earth's crust and ocean floors; we are naught.
A/N: The above photo, the property of Olan L Smith is copyrighted, and the trees shown in the photo are second growth seeded after a tree harvest done in the very early years of the 20th century. In the United States, April 28th is Arbor Day, or tree planting day, so plant a tree.
Bird's Eye
PoesiaA new collection of poems written by Olan L. Smith starting 2023; all right's reserved.