1. Runaway

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Sam sighed and fidgeted as she passed by the baggage claim heading toward the exit to find the offices of the rental car services. She had never done something like this before, traveling to a whole different country without telling anyone. Especially without telling her mom, whom she was very close to. The heartbroken girl felt like she had no choice but this, she had to fly out solo and figure herself out. She had to face the world and face herself to come to a resolution.

'Finallyy' she thought to herself as she found the rental car office and requested the car she had reserved online before her flight. They gave her the keys to the black 2023 Range Rover and she headed to the 5-star hotel she booked for her stay. Sam is able to afford all the luxury for herself, and she is so proud of herself for that, except for the fact that she lost herself in the process. Four years ago, Sam graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in Finance and Data Intelligence. It was fortunate that she picked this major as it was in high demand in the economic sector and she had found a good-paying job quickly after graduating. The reason she even picked this major was because of a certain girl she met in high school, the most intelligent and beautiful person she'd ever met. She never stops thinking about her, even though they haven't seen each other in over 6 years.

(hotel) - 12:41 am - Boracay, Philippines

"Hi, I have a booking for 6 weeks, my name is Sam Saro."

"Yes ma'am, can I have your passport, please"  ,   "Ok I just checked you in, here are your room keys, #253, here's your passport, and if you need anything, you may call the front desk available 24hrs :) "

"Thank you, have a good night"

Sam walked to her room as the hotel concierge brought her bags to her door.

"Ah, yes" Sam sighed as she jumped on the bed and lay with her arms wide open as she lets all her exhaustion slip out of her. .... "Well, now what" 

The girl scrunched her face as she realized where she is and what she was there for. This is where she's going to work on herself and make her own decisions about what she wants to do with her life. For the past couple of years, Sam has been working nonstop. Even on her days off, she'd find something to busy herself with. She had been saving money and trying to make plans for her future, only she reached a roadblock when she realized she didn't know what future she wants. Sam was 26 years old and single, with no one to court her and plan a future with together. She didn't know if she wanted to stay in Canada or move back to Thailand where her family resides. Or maybe she could find a new job somewhere in Europe? Sam was truly lost and didn't know what to do. She just knew that she needed some purpose in life, something to make her feel alive, to make her excited to wake up every morning and sleep every night. 

Thoughts of her future often overwhelm her and make her feel suffocated, hence why she needed this break. She decided to take a vacation to a beautiful island in the Philippines far away from everyone and everything she knows, so she can think clearly and make a decision.

 She has a good career in Canada where she currently lived with her best friend, Nam. While she has 2 other close friends who lived in Thailand, which is where they all met and grew up in high school. For Sam's first 18 years of life, she lived in Thailand and grew up around many friends and a huge family. But it all changed when she moved across the globe to attend university in Canada. She had to leave all of her loved ones behind and try to build a new universe with new people. Luckily, her friend Nam moved to Canada as well and they became roommates. 

Her only wish, was if that one girl was with her too. Even if not in person, she wished they had at least kept contact throughout the years through text or calls. Alas, life never really goes the way you want it.

'Should I call Mama and just let her know that I'm taking a break from work because I am mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted?... and that I'm completely alone? .... in a foreign country...? lol she's going to freak out for sure'

Sam opted to not inform her mom right now and decided to take a shower and call it a night.


a short opening chapter!

i hope you enjoy,  :)


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