9. Hospital Visit

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Mon's POV:

(at the carnival)

We walked around searching for our friends until we finally found them... in a shocking image.

I was squinting my eyes and looking at Sam trying to make sure of what I'm seeing.

I started running.

"Oh my god!! What what what's happening what is this?"

I couldn't believe my eyes.


The sight in front of me is haunting. I saw Nam on the phone, yelling at someone, Yuki on the floor on her knees, with my brother, Richard bleeding out. He was unconscious. And bleeding out. How could this happen? What even happened we're at a carnival! What could've possibly gone wrong?

I was running until I reached them panting for breath and eyes wide open trying to make sure this isn't a nightmare. 

"YUKI! Tell me what happened!! What happened to him?!"

"Oh MON! Finally! I... I don't know how it all happened... so fast... NAM WHERE IS THE AMBULANCE?", Yuki cried out as tears rolled down her face and she tried to help Rich regain consciousness, "Richie please wake up please, RICHARD."

"He must've lost a lot of blood to be unconscious, Nam the ambulance must come right now, where are they?" Sam spoke up.

Seconds later we could hear sirens coming near the entrance of the carnival, as we looked towards the sound, we saw the red and blue lights glaring in the parking lot.

It all happened so fast as they took him into the ambulance and I followed right in. Sam motioned with her hands that they'll be right behind me and follow me to the hospital.



(((One hour later)))

"Yes Mom, they took him into surgery right now, apparently there's nerve damage," I spoke to my mom on the phone as calmly as I can so as not to add to her worries, "I don't know how exactly it all happened Mom, they said that he was playing 'real life' fruit ninja with some guy that offered the sword as an award. Knowing Rich and his obsession with swords, I'm not surprised he roped himself into this dumb incident..."

"Okay Mom, I'll call you after his surgery, hopefully it all goes well, okay, love you, bye,"

Sam hugged me as I broke down after ending the phone call with my mom.

"He's going to be okay Mon, He'll be just fine you'll see, just pray for him," she soothed me as I cried harder into her chest. Her voice calmed me down as she kissed and patted my head.

Soon enough, one of the surgery doctors attending walks out of the OR doors and speed walks towards me.

"Hey, you're his sister, Mon, correct?"

I nodded quickly, "Yes yes why?"

"Do you know what your blood type is?"

"Uhh I'm A+, why just tell me why?"

"Your brother needs blood, right now, his blood type is the rarest kind and we've given him all the blood we have, we need more, and we need it quick."

"Okay so what's his blood type? We'll make sure to find donors right now." Sam asked in urgency.

"It's AB-, we need at least 3 to 4 bags of it, so at least 1.35L."

"Woah," I sighed in shock. I don't know what to do. How do I get my brother blood?

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