6. Understand My Feelings

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Mon's POV:

(client's office) - 12:21 pm - Boracay, Philippines

"Ahh" I sighed as I sat and looked around the office we're in. We just wrapped up our discussion and the client left to grab some paperwork for us to fill out. His office was located near one of the many museums on this island, and the area was packed with tourists. Of course, the inside of the office is the definition of luxury. It smelled of hibiscus and vanilla. The paintings on one of the walls alone must've cost a fortune. His work desk was quite large and made of the finest wood, with decorative handmade pieces on top. To the front of the desk, three giant sofas were positioned strategically for the visitors' comfort. 

As we waited on the client's return, I found myself thinking of her. I wonder what Sam is doing right now. Did she have a good breakfast? Is she staying hydrated? Is she still at the hotel or did she go out? I hope she's having a good day so far. The thoughts kept wandering in my mind and I just wanted to leave the office and go back to the hotel to see her again.

"Ok, here we are, let's go over the terms and conditions shall we?" 

The client came back and we just need to finish the final part of the agreement so we can take our leave.

(hotel lobby) - 3:00 pm - Boracay, Philippines

By the time we left the client's office and reached the hotel it was already 3:00 pm and we were all starving for lunch. Yuki, Richard, and I decided to head to one of the hotel's indoor restaurants that offered Japanese cuisine. I was severely craving some sushi. As Rich was talking to the waitress so we can get a table, I was looking around trying to see if Sam was around.

"She's not here Mon," Yuki noticed, "How come you're always anxious when she's around hmm?"

"I...I don't know," I answered honestly.

Rich found us a nice table in the center of the seating area. It was also overlooking the hotel lobby area and so we watched as people came and went as we waited for our food. 

'Wait so, why am I anxious and get butterflies when I'm around her?' I silently thought back to what Yuki mentioned earlier.

'I've never felt this way before, like even with my last "boyfriend", he was barely my boyfriend, we spoke for a few months when I started the new job, but even with him, I didn't blush when he'd look at me, I never squirmed on the inside when he'd laugh out loud, I never had him on my mind 24/7 like he's the only person that ever existed.'

I began to notice my emotions and attempted to analyze every action that occurred while I was around her. Trying to remember the days in high school when we'd be talking and laughing on the bus on our way home from school about anything and everything. I used to talk to her about everything, with no filters whatsoever. She was just so natural and easy to talk to. 

I realized how close we used to be, and how much I missed her.

... As I was lost in thought, Rich and Yuki ordered a bunch of food for us all to share.

After a while, our sushi arrived finally! As Yuki and I began to dig in, tasting the various dishes in front of us, Richard had a sudden business phone call and left the table to answer it. After about 15 minutes, my best friend and I are completely stuffed while drinking some soda in the hopes that it will settle our stomachs. We began talking about the client we saw earlier and the plans we made with him for the future. As we spoke and got lost in conversation, I noticed out of the corner of my eye my brother walking back towards us, and Sam walking with him. I was shocked momentarily. She and my brother were talking while walking in our direction, and she was smiling and laughing. I felt a sense of anger. Like mild rage? Little itty bitty jealousy? I'm just confused at this point.

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