8. Voicing My Feelings

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__The Next Day__

10:23 am - Boracay, Philippines

Last night was underwhelming. The group had dinner at a nearby restaurant and, while they had a good meal, weird looks were being exchanged all around. Nam and Yuki knew about Mon and Sam, while Richard was completely out of the loop, clueless. Mon and Sam were trying their hardest to avoid each other's eyes and just kept looking at the plates of food in front of them. There was also an uncountable amount of awkward silence moments.

(Sam and Nam's hotel room) 

Sam's POV: 

Sooo last night was awkward. The whole time I was just stealing glances at Mon and trying my hardest not to look like an eager creep. She looked so beautiful with her hair down and curled lightly, with a long white dress paired with blue heels. I was also trying to gather clues on whether Nam's assumption is correct. Does Mon actually like me? Romantically or platonically?

"Good morning Sammy," Nam yawned as she turned in bed to face me, "Oh god, did you not sleep?"

"I slept... like an hour," I answered truthfully; I was thinking about Mon and our situation.

"Ugh Sam, this is not how it works, you don't get hung up on the girl and lose sleep over her, this is unhealthy."

Nam got up to shower so we can head to breakfast, I had already showered and got dressed because I was up early anyways. 

As we reached the outdoor seating area of the breakfast buffet, I spotted Mon and a girl sitting in the corner. I squinted my eyes trying to see if I know this girl she was with, and I didn't realize Mon was looking back at me with a blank expression. I waved at her with a smile and she half-waved back with a weak smile. Yikes. Now I'm a creep for sure.

Nam and I sat down to have breakfast and I video-called my mom to say hi, also, because I promised to call and let her know I'm okay since the day I spent at the hospital. I was still speaking to my mom when Mon suddenly appeared in front of me. 

"Good morning," she greeted as she looked at me and Nam.

"Morning Mon! Where are Yuki and Rich? Do you guys have work again today?" Nam questioned

"No, actually today is our off day, other groups from our team will be working though. The girl I was sitting with is from another group and so I was briefing her on what needed to be done," Mon explained as she gave me weird looks. Yeah, she thinks I'm a creep 100%.

"Who is that? I know that voice!" my mom perked from my phone screen.

"It... it's Mon mama..." I answered.

"Oh my god Mon! That's such an amazing surprise! How did this happen? Did you guys plan this?"

"Hi Mrs. Saro, how are you doing?" Mon spoke politely as I turned the phone towards her and she came closer. I could smell her perfume, sweet vanilla. 

"I'm good dear, how are you? How's work, you still work at that bank right?"

"How do you know where she works?" I asked confused.

"She keeps in touch with my mom," Mon answered me, "They're like best friends too, it's adorable."

"Oh wow ok," I said with a chuckle.

As my mom and Mon had a quick small talk, Rich and Yuki walked over to us with their breakfast plates.

"Morning guys, mind if we join you?" Rich spoke.

"Join us yes! We were just asking about you actually," Nam replied.

And so we all had breakfast together. Turns out they had planned today for a jet-ski day and wanted me and Nam to join them. Jet-ski sounded fun, though Nam seemed a bit horrified by the possibility of falling into the water and being eaten by a shark. We finished breakfast and changed our outfits so we can head to the part of the island where they rent jet skis. Because I had the 4-wheel Range Rover, it was big enough for all 5 of us to fit in. I offered them a ride so we don't have to waste gas and we can chat along the way, and they decided to ride along.

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