5. Stolen Glances

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(back at the hotel) - 12:35 am - Boracay, Philippines

Sam's POV:

"Yes mama, I'm good I promise, don't worry," I assured my mom repetitively.

Nam made the huge mistake of texting her about my situation when we were at the hospital.

"Ok, yes, I promise to call you every day, yes, yes, I'll take care of my health, okay, bye mama, good night, love you too..."

Nam chuckled as I finished my phone call and I glared back at her.

"I mean you really didn't have to let her know, you're such a drama queen," I scowled

"Hey! I'm a responsible best friend, when someone is sick, you inform their loved ones. It's a rule." Nam defended herself

"I was barely sick, all that happened was I fainted, they gave me an IV of fluids and vitamins and I'm all good again, no need to inform anyone aikh"

"Anywayyy, it's good you're okay now, I'm happy, ..., Mon seemed relieved too...," Nam smiled teasingly

"Yeah, I don't how it all happened like she was just there, and I fainted, and I thought I was dreaming, that she wasn't really there, but then I woke up and she's actually here," I was still processing, remembering her face, when she was talking to me at the beach, she seemed happy to see me.

"Scooch over Sammy, I'm sleeping next to you," Nam said bringing me back to the present.

I got up to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before jumping into bed beside Nam.

"I want to tell you," I looked over at Nam beside me, "Thank you... for ... coming, ...for me, I...I really appreciate and lov-"

"I know Sammy, I know, you're welcome, and I love you too."

She just knows me, so well. I may be not very good with words, but she gets me.

I decided to sleep the night off and see what events the coming days bring along.


3:10 am

I mean... are we even surprised?

Of course, I couldn't sleep. She. is. here. For the past two hours, I have repeating every detail of our interaction the past night in my head. I am nervous, excited, and terrified all at once. Crossing my fingers that this 'peace of mind' trip doesn't turn into a disaster and ruins another relationship in my life.

3rd Person POV:

After a lot of tossing and turning, Sam managed to doze off into sleep after a long, tiresome day.


(hotel) - 9:43 am - Boracay, Philippines

"Come onnn Sammy wake up! Let's catch the breakfast buffet before they close it." Nam urged as she tapped sleeping Sam on the shoulder. 

"I don't even eat breakfast Nam, you know this already," Sam replied.

"Uh uh uhhh nope. Not anymore. The doctor last night said you're malnourished, so, you need to start having 3 full meals every day, under my and Mon's supervision, we spoke about it yesterday."

Sam sighed and smiled in secret at the mention of Mon's name.

"Now get your ass in the shower so we can get there quick," Nam continued.

Sam, who doesn't like confrontation, did as her friend said and got ready for breakfast. She quickly did her makeup routine, she decided to go light coverage today with a little blush and mascara. For her outfit, she found a flowy ruffle beach dress colored green with a floral print. Then, she found some cute brown sandals to go with her brown leather shoulder bag. 

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