22. Hopeful Ideas

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- 4 days later -

Sam's childhood room, Thailand, 8:22 pm

Sam's POV:

So, apparently, I had caught a stomach virus that caused the bank vomiting fiasco days ago. 

"Sam? You feeling okay beb?" Mon softly asked as she exited my bathroom wearing my red hoodie and gray sweatpants.

She's been wearing a lot of my clothes lately. I love it. 

"Yeah, I think the medicine is starting to make some action haha," I chuckled lightly as Mon came to check my fever for the seventh time today. (I may be exaggerating)

I'm so grateful for her. She took a week off work so she could take care of me. However, they had an emergency for the past two days and she had to attend some meetings for a few hours. She'd come right back to my house worried about me, so she'd been sleeping over so that my mom wouldn't have to take care of me all night.

"I'm good baby, don't worry, you don't have work tomorrow?"

"nope," she shook her head, "they needed me recently because we had a lot of new hires, but it's chill now," she explained as she sat at my vanity in front of the mirror and applied some nighttime moisturizer before bed.

We had dinner with my family, and she decided to stay with me in case I got a fever at night. I casually lay in bed, feeling my body run out of energy despite the fact that I hadn't done much today. However, I am currently feeling very relaxed. My girlfriend is here in my dimly lit childhood room, which is decorated with old pictures hung on the walls. I have candles blazed, which give the room a heavenly vanilla cinnamon aroma and a romantic mood. It smells nice, just like her. I lay on my king-sized bed, holding my tiny teddy bear beneath my pink comforter, watching Mon do her nighttime before-bed routine.Inside and out, I'm feeling warm and fuzzy.

"mmmmm," I nodded silently as I scrolled through my Instagram feed, "You look cute in red." I suddenly sputtered out.

I watched as the blush flushed her face and she smiled at the floor.  


She stood up as she finished her skincare routine and started walking towards me on the bed.

"ahahahah hhehehehhe,"

"Stopp laughing," Mon urged as she jokingly hit my arm and cuddled beside me and watched my TikTok fyp with me.

"I just looove to tease my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, caring, loving girlfriend!"

Mon's blush turned into a darker red as she smiled and puckered her lips in shyness. She hid her face in my neck as she used my dark brown hair as a shield.

I shuddered as I felt her warm breath on my neck and her lips lightly brushed against my chin. She just knows how to turn the tables and make it so I'm the one blushing instead. 

She gave me a quick peck on my lips and hugged my arm close making herself comfortable next to me.

We enjoyed the warmth and comfort of our bodies against each other as we scrolled through comedy, cooking, singing, and fashion videos.

 I have a question that keeps creeping on me and won't leave...

"So, uhh, Did... did Kayla get the job?... at the bank, I remember her saying something about an interview?"

I internally slapped myself at my voice of hesitation and curiosity. I don't care about Kayla and whether she got the job or not, I just need to know in case I go to the bank to see Mon and Kayla spawns out of nowhere again.

"Yep, she got head of the marketing department," Mon answered flatly in a bored tone. 

We stayed silent for some time as she braided my hair and I opened my laptop to look at some emails. 

"Baby, look," I motioned for Mon to look at my laptop screen as I waited for her reaction anxiously. 

"Woah, that looks amazing, who's the planner?"

"Marcy Blum."

We were looking at an extravagant wedding executed by the famous Marcy Blum. She's been named a top event planner by Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and many more. 

Events planning had always been a profession I wished I pursued. Mon knew this since childhood, I used to always show her pictures of wedding events I found on the internet. When I graduated high school, I wanted to work in the luxury event planning industry, but I didn't want to take a risk that might not pay off. Hence, I went to business school and majored in Finance instead. 

Mon and I watched through the photos as we took in all the details and beautiful arrangements. I wonder if she's thinking what I'm thinking. 



We said at the same time and faced each other. I giggled as she smiled back at me with raised eyebrows.

"You first," I said as I wanted to hear what she wanted to say.

"Okayy, I just wanted to suggest, it's only a suggestion, something you can think about... opening a luxury event planning business here in Bangkok?"

My eyes widened in surprise.
She did read my mind.

I felt my heart racing as I opened my mouth in excitement.

"Omg babe I wanted to say that same thing,"

"Wait. Really? Bub it's an amazing idea, I swear I think you could excel at this. It's been your passion for so long!"

"I know!! I can't believe you read my mind like that,"

Mon flashed me a flirty wink that made my stomach flip. It's insane how she still has that effect on me.

Well! Got a lot to think about. An event planning business could be brewing.

I'm just happy she's by my side.


short update <3

missed this.

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