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"Mum and Dad said we have some good news and they are going to tell us at dinner." Calum said, sounding annoyed.

Kota and I stifled a laugh, Calum was the most impatient person I know and it was a while until we got home for dinner.


Mum and Dad had sat us all down for dinner that night, apparently there was some exciting news.

"So, what's the news?" Calum asked, shoving his mouth full of food.

I kicked him under the table for his bad manners and he winced.

"A school in the city are sending kids down to farms around Australia to experience different things!" Mum said excitedly.

"Two people are coming down to stay with us over the Christmas holidays!" Dad finished her sentence.

"How old are they?" Dakota asked curiously, furrowing her eyebrows.

"April is and Chase are both 17." Mum replied.

"When are they coming?" I asked with a monotone voice.

"Someones excited." Dakota mumbled under her breathe sarcastically and I held back a laugh.

Mum ignored Dakotas comment, "Tomorrow."

"TOMORROW?!" I yelled, "Why would you not tell us?" I asked, getting angrier.

"It was last minute." Dad answered.

I stabbed at my potatoes and shoved them into my mouth. I liked our farm the way it was, we didn't need any intruders coming in and wrecking it. We finished dinner in silence, and after we had eaten I rushed off to my room as fast as I could.

I put on 'Chocolate' by 'The 1975' and started dancing around in my room. Holding my hair brush as a microphone, I sung the lyrics loud and clear, moving my body to the beat.

Oh we'll go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats.

No we're never gunna' quit it, no we're never gunna' quit it no

I was half way through the song when I heard some laughter from my door.

I looked over to see Dakota filming me with her phone, I immediately froze and grabbed the phone out her hand.

"Hey!" She yelled, "Give it back!"

"Fine," I said, handing it to her. "Only if you don't show anybody."

She nodded, and I said goodnight, pushing her out of the room. I fell onto my bed and began to close my eyes, the next day the students were coming. I groaned internally and started to fall asleep.


The next morning I woke up at 6am to Calum shaking me.

"Get up sis!" He was yelling at full blast.

I threw my pillow at him and groggily climbed out of bed. I hurried him out of the room and looked through my closet, I was trying to find something presentable.

Finally I decided on a stripy blue shirt, paired with denim shorts and converse. I tied my hair back into a loose pony tail like always and headed outside to greet the students.

I stepped outside to see two people standing in the front yard. My eyes quickly averted to a super-model looking girl with red lips and blonde hair, with her eyelashes bold and dark.

She was wearing a low cut top that showed most of her cleavage, mini shorts and heels. I suddenly felt nervous about what I was wearing.

I glanced down at my supposed-to-be-white-but-brown converse, my blue and white striped t-shirt that showed my flat chest and my ripped denim shorts. She waltzed over and politely introduced herself.

"Hello, I'm April, you must be Skylar?"

I smiled my awkward smile and nodded,

"Yes, how are you?"

She smiled kindly at me and her eyes sparkled, "Good thanks." She walked off and began to introduce herself to my parents.

A semi tall guy stepped forward. He was wearing jeans and a white t shirt, he had dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes. He smiled shyly at me and scratched behind his neck as I smiled back. God he was cute.

"Hey I'm Chase."

I stood there awkwardly, "Um. I'm Skylar."

I said quickly. He looked at me for a second, glancing at my eyes,

"Sky." He mumbled, and I immediately blushed. "I'm going to call you Blue." He finished and then got lost in thought, "Yeah. Blue, like the ocean."

Like the ocean.

And then walked past me.

A/N: Second chapter here we go :)

Do you think Skylar's obsession with the ocean is weird or cool?

Also, I will start putting songs in, but not every chapter. Only when I feel like the chapter needs it :) xx

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