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I heard rustling behind the tent, immediately I snapped the book shut, chucked it away and lay down on my back and closed my eyes. He unzipped the tent and walked in, I glanced up at him, pretending I just woke up. I suddenly realised something. His book. The one I had been snooping at lay on his mattress.


He looked at me. Not with anger. With disgust.

"That isn't your stuff." He spat.

"I- I- I know." I stuttered. "I'm. I'm really sorry." I actually meant it.

"What did you see?" He asked, he looked almost terrified for the answer.

"Nothing. J-just the last page." I lied.

His face softened. "What did you think?" He croaked.

"It was good." I swallowed. "Actually it was incredible."

He crawled beside me into his mattress.

"Goodnight Blue." He murmured and traced my chin with his finger. I flinched at the movement and turned to him, pulling out my phone.

"Do you know The 1975?" I asked him, scrolling down to their album on my phone.

"And how can you complain about life and talk about being bored." He answered, quoting one of their songs, word for word.

I continued the rest of the line, "If you just sit at Pete's house playing video games, doing sniff that you can't afford?"

I played, 'so far it's alright' and lay down, humming along.

"Hey, we never finished 10 questions." He said suddenly. "We had seven questions left."

"Good observation." I said sarcastically.

"So let's finish." He suggested.

"I'm tired." I said, turning over to fall asleep.

"No your not." He laughed, pulling me to look at me. "And you didn't answer my question."

Shit. I thought he had forgotten.

"Goodnight Chase." I snapped at him as I closed my eyes into darkness.


The next morning birds started to chirp and I slowly attempted to climb out of the tent. I looked beside me and realised Chase was gone. I heard someone outside and stretched and got up. He was standing behind a tree kicking stones around.

"Hey." I said. My voice echoed around the sleeping campsite.

"Hey." He said back. In his morning voice. That happened to be really hot.

Not that I liked him or anything.

Chase looked down at his shoes "You know I think your cute right?"


I remembered. Everything. Dropping me. Asking me about my first time. Embarrassing me. Leading me on. I ignored how I felt when I caught him. I ignored the drawing of me. Anger built up inside me. This was another way of teasing me.

"No you don't."

He looked up, surprised, and nodded, "Um I sorta do."

"No you don't." I responded, I had a perfectly logical explanation why he didn't think I was cute and was just leading me on.

"I have you all worked out Chase. You don't think I'm cute. Your lying. The reason I know this is because nobody ever likes me. I'm flat chested, I have a a face splattered with freckles, my hair is a boring brown and I'm a shy weirdo who listens to bands that nobody has heard of. And I know what you are doing. You think it's funny, how pathetic I am, and you are leading me on, I thought you were cute when I met you, and you made me think you liked me. And that whole 'first time' thing in 10 questions was only because you wanted everyone to know how pathetic I was to not have lost my viginity and-"

I looked up at him and he looked straight into my eyes.

"What?" I questioned accusingly.

"I wasn't leading you on."

"You were. A hot boy like you doesn't like girls like me." I blurted out, not thinking.

"You think I'm hot?" Shit. I blushed and looked down. "Did I say that? I meant um."

He interrupted me, "You're really Interesting and you think the same way as me." He murmured and kicked a stone around on the ground. I looked up at him. And at the morning sky. And at his eyes and his lips his soft, pink lips.

I kissed him.

He jumped at first, like he was surprised, and then he leaned in and cupped my face with his strong hands. Tingles shot around my body, like a can of soft drink that had just been shaken.
My hands hung limp by my side. And he moved one hand from my face to hold it. He finally was the one to pull away. I looked down at my shoes. He pushed my face up with his fingers.

Oh my gosh. I had only known him for two days. I pulled away as quickly as I could.

"What's wrong Blue?"

"I'm sorry. Um. That was a mistake." I stumbled over my words, not bothering to look him in the eyes.

He began to speak but we were interrupted by Dakota calling our name.

"We better go." I said slowly. I wanted to get out of this moment. Chase nodded, walking out in front of me.

A/N: do any of you guys know the songs that Skylar and Chase know?

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